Changes in version 1.4.0 o Support the use of arbitrary design matrices in regressBatches(). o Allow lists of objects to be directly passed into the ... for many functions. o Added the clusterMNN() function for performing MNN on cluster centroids. o Added get.variance= option to fastMNN() to return variance explained from PCA. Support d=NA to skip the PCA step altogether. o Modified correctExperiments() to preserve non-conflicting rowData() fields. Changes in version 1.2.0 o Deprecated rotate.all= in favour of get.all.genes= in multiBatchPCA(). o Switched BSPARAM= to use IrlbaParam(deferred=TRUE) by default in fastMNN(), so that the default behaviour is actually fast. o Deprecated auto.order= in favor of merge.order= and auto.merge= in fastMNN() and mnnCorrect(). Automatic merging now detects potential tree-based merges. Merge trees can also be specified as input. o Added the correctExperiments() function to cbind the original assays alongside the merged values. o Added the subset.row= argument to cosineNorm() for in-place subsetting. o Added batch= and preserve.single= arguments to multiBatchNorm(). Standardized behavior of subset.row= by adding a normalize.all= argument. o Added the regressBatches() function for correction via standard linear regression. o Added the prop.k= argument in all MNN-related functions, to allow the value of k to adapt asymmetrically to the size of each batch. Changes in version 1.0.0 o New package batchelor, for batch correction of single-cell (RNA sequencing) data.