CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.0 ------------------------ MODIFICATIONS o 1.13.1 add check for valid Title and Description in metadata file. It should not be empty or NA CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Added ability to have multiple RDataPaths associated with single hub id for strongly associated files (like bam and its bai index file) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o There are now validity checks for tags (valid biocViews in DESCRIPTION), RDataPath (must be defined), SourceUrls (must be defined and indicate url), genome (valid length), sourcetype (from list of valid entries), species and taxonomy id (validated from GenomeInfoDbData) MODIFICATIONS o Modified to use BiocManager instead of BiocInstaller CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.0 ------------------------ MODIFICATIONS o Moved vignette to ExperimentHub as more practical use there; created new vignette o Allow specification of metadata file in inst/extdata to be used BUG FIXES o updated addResources VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ o Package added to release BioC 3.4