Changes in version 1.4.0 o Allow memory-efficient retrieval of the distance to the furthest neighbors. o Added a warn.ties= argument to turn off tie-related warnings in the KMKNN and VP tree algorithms. o Return neighbor counts in rangeFind*() and rangeQuery*() functions when get.index=FALSE and get.distance=FALSE. Changes in version 1.2.0 o findNeighbors() and queryNeighbors() now accept a vector of point-specific thresholds. o Added an VP tree implemention in findVptree(), queryVptree(), buildVptree(). Supported dispatch to these methods in the generics. o Added a HNSW implementation in findHnsw(), queryHnsw(), buildHnsw(). Supported dispatch to these methods in the generics. o Renamed buildNNIndex() to buildIndex(). o Converted findNeighbors() and queryNeighbors() into S4 methods. Created specific rangeFind*() and rangeQuery*() functions for KMKNN and VP tree algorithms. o Modified AnnoyIndex class to hold the original data matrix. Created bnorder(), bndata() generics to obtain (possibly reordered) input matrices for all indexes. o Supported Manhattan distance searching in all algorithms. Changes in version 1.0.0 o New package BiocNeighbors, for k-means-based k-nearest neighbor detection.