objectpsygenet2r 1.18.0
The psygenet2r
package contains functions to query PsyGeNET [1], a resource on psychiatric diseases and their genes. This can also be done using the web tool. However, the psygenet2r
package goes a step further including analysis and visualization functions to study psychiatric diseases, their genes and disease comorbidities, as well as analyzing the tissues/anatomical structures in which the genes are expressed. A special focus is made on visualization of the results (not web available), providing a variety of representation formats such as networks, heatmaps and barplots (Table 3).
During the last years there has been a growing interest in the genetics of psychiatric disorders, leading to a concomitant increase in the number of publications that report these studies [2]. However, there is still limited understanding on the celular and molecular mechanisms leading to psychiatric diseases, which has limited the application of this wealth of data in the clinical practice. This situation also applies to psychiatric comorbidities. Some of the factors that explain the current situation is the heterogeneity of the information about psychiatric disorders and its fragmentation into knowledge silos, and the lack of resources that collect these wealth of data, integrate them, and supply the information in an intuitive, open access manner to the community. PsyGeNET has been developed to fill this gap. psygenet2r
has been developed to facilitate statistical analysis of PsyGeNET data, allowing its integration with other packages available in R to develop data analysis workflows.
PsyGeNET is a resource for the exploratory analysis of psychiatric diseases and their associated genes. The second release of PsyGeNET (version 2.0) contains updated information on depression, bipolar disorder, alcohol use disorders and cocaine use disorders, and has been expanded to cover other psychiatric diseases of interest: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance-induced depressive disorder and psychoses and cannabis use disorder (Table 1). PsyGeNET allows the exploration of the molecular basis of psychiatric disorders by providing a comprehensive set of genes associated to each disease. Moreover, it allows the analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying psychiatric disease comorbidities.
Long Name | Short Name | Acronym |
Alcohol use disorders |
Alcohol UD | AUD |
Bipolar disorders and related disorders |
Bipolar disorder | BD |
Depressive disorders |
Depression | DEP |
Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders |
Schizophrenia | SCHZ |
Cocaine use disorders |
Cocaine UD | CUD |
Substance induced depressive disorder |
SI-Depression | SI-DEP |
Cannabis use disorders |
Cannabis UD | CanUD |
Substance induced psychosis |
SI-Psychosis | SI-PSY |
PsyGeNET database is the result of the data extracted from the literature by text mining using BeFree [3], followed by manual curation by domain experts. A team of 22 experts participates as curators of the database. The current version of PsyGeNET (version 2.0) contains 3,771 associations between 1,549 genes and 117 psychiatric disease concepts.
With psygenet2r
package the user is able to submit queries to PsyGeNET from R, perform a variety of analysis on the data, and visualize the results through different types of graphical representations.
The tasks that can be performed with psygenet2r
package are the following:
In the following sections the specific functions that can be used to address each of these tasks are presented.
The package psygenet2r
is provided through Bioconductor. To install psygenet2r
the user must type the two following commands in an R session:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
BiocManager::install( "psygenet2r" )
library( psygenet2r )
object is obtained when psygenetGene
and psygenetDisease
functions are applied. This object is used as input for the rest of psyGeNET2r
functions, like the plot
object contains all the information about the different diseases/genes associated with the gene/disease of interested retrieved from PsyGeNET. This object contains a summary of the search, such as the search input (gene or disease), the selected database, the gene or disease identifier, the number of associations found (N. Results) and the number of unique results obtained (U. Results).
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: gene
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: 4852
## . Number of Results: 13
## . Number of unique Diseases: 13
## . Number of unique Genes: 1
class( t1 )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
This object comes with a series of functions to allow users to interact with the information retrieved from PsyGeNET. These functions are ngene
, ndisease
, extract
and plot
. The first function ngene
returns the number of retrieved genes for a given query. ndisease
is the homologous function but for the diseases. The function extract
returns a formatted data.frame
with the complete set of information downloaded from PsyGeNET. Finally, the plot
function allows the visualization of the results in a variety of ways such as gene-disease association networks or heatmaps.
3 PsyGeNET and psygenet2r
The PsyGeNET web interface can be explored by searching a specific gene or a specific disease, and psygenet2r
package has the same options. Therefore, the starting point for psygenet2r
are psygenetGene
and psygenetDisease
PsyGeNET data is classified according to the database used as a source of information (“source database”). Therefore, any query run on PsyGeNET requires to specify the source database using the argument called database
. Table (tab:psygenet-databases) shows the source databases in PsyGeNET and their description. By default, the database "ALL"
is used in psygenet2r
. For illustrating purposes along the vignette, database `ALL} will be used in most of code snippets.
Name | Description |
psycur15 |
Genes associated to DEP, BD, AUD and CUD between 1980 and 2013 (PsyGeNET release v1.0) |
psycur16 |
Genes associated to DEP, BD, AUD, CUD, SCHZ, S-DEP, CanUD and D-PSY between 1980 and 2015 |
All previous Databases |
package allows exploring PsyGeNET information using a specifc gene or a list of genes. It retrieves the information that is available in PsyGeNET (associated diseases, source database, PsyGeNET Evidence Index, number of publications, attributes of genes, etc) and allows to visualize the results in different ways.
In order to look for a single gene into PsyGeNET, we can use the psygenetGene
function. This function retrieves PsyGeNET’s information using both, the NCBI gene identifier and the official Gene Symbol from HUGO. It contains also other arguments like the database to query, the PsyGeNET evidence index (evidenceIndex argument).
As an example, the gene NPY, whose entrez id is 4852 is queried using psygenetGene
function, and using alternatively the official HUGO Gene Symbol. In this example database "ALL"
t1 <- psygenetGene( gene = 4852,
database = "ALL")
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: gene
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: 4852
## . Number of Results: 13
## . Number of unique Diseases: 13
## . Number of unique Genes: 1
t2 <- psygenetGene( gene = "NPY",
database = "ALL" )
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: gene
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: NPY
## . Number of Results: 13
## . Number of unique Diseases: 13
## . Number of unique Genes: 1
Both cases result in an DataGeNET.Psy
class( t1 )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
class( t2 )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
In the particular example used, by inspecting the DataGeNET.Psy
object, we can see that the gene NPY is associated to 13 different diseases in PsyGeNET (with no restriction on the PsyGeNET evidence index).
offers several options to visualize the results from PysGeNET in networks by changing the type
argument when applying the plot
function. A network showing the diseases (type = "GDA network"
) or the psychiatric disorders (type = "GDCA network"
) related to the gene of interest is obtained.
By default, psygenet2r
shows a network when ploting a DataGeNET.Psy
object obtained by a gene-query. The result is a network where blue nodes are diseases and the yellow node is the gene of interest. Node colors can be changed adding the following arguments geneColor
and diseaseColor
plot( t1, type = "GDA network" )
On the other hand, results can be visualized according to the 8 psychiatric disorders classes available in PsyGeNET (depression, bipolar disorder, alcohol use disorders, cocaine use disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cannabis use disorder, substance-induced depressive disorder and psychoses) setting the type
argument to "GDCA network"
. As a result, a network with a maximum of 9 nodes is obtained (8 nodes that represent the psychiatric disorders and 1 node that represents the gene). The node’s size of each psychiatric disorder is proportional to the number of disease concepts that belongs to each disease class, from the total number of diseases associated to the gene.
Note that the node colors can be changed adding the next arguments: AUDcolor
for alcohol use disorders node, BDcolor
for bipolar disorders and related disorders node, DEPcolor
for depressive disorders node, SCHZcolor
for schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders node, CUDcolor
for cocaine use disorders node, SIDEPcolor
for substance induced depressive disorder node, CanUDcolor
for cannabis use disorders node, SYPSYcolor
for substance induced psychosis node and geneColor
for the gene node.
plot( t1, type = "GDCA network" )
In our example, NPY is associated to four of the eight psychiatric disorders present in PsyGeNET, with an important contribution of depression.
In the same way, psygenet2r
allows to query PsyGeNET given a list of genes of interest. The same function, psygenetGene
, accepts a vector of NCBI gene identifiers or HUGO official gene symbols.
To illustrate this functionality, a list of 20 genes was extracted from the article entitled “The Genetics of Major Depression” [4], where these genes are associated to depression. The vector of genes can be defined as follows:
genesOfInterest <- c( "COMT", "CLOCK", "DRD3", "GNB3", "HTR1A",
"MAOA", "HTR2A","HTR2C", "HTR6", "SLC6A4", "ACE", "BDNF",
"DRD4", "HTR1B", "HTR2B", "HTR2C", "MTHFR", "SLC6A3", "TPH1",
"SLC6A2", "GABRA3"
Then, the function psygenetGene
is applied. In this case an extra argument called verbose
was set to TRUE
. This shows some information during the query-process, for example the message informing that there are repeated genes in the list (the gene HTR2C was placed twice in the list to raise this message) and the message informing that one or more of the given genes is not in PsyGeNET (in this case the gene HTR2B).
m1 <- psygenetGene(
gene = genesOfInterest,
database = "ALL",
verbose = TRUE
## Warning in psygenetGene(gene = genesOfInterest, database = "ALL", verbose =
## TRUE): Removing duplicates from input genes list.
## Staring querying PsyGeNET for COMT, CLOCK, DRD3, GNB3, HTR1A, MAOA, HTR2A, HTR2C, HTR6, SLC6A4, ACE, BDNF, DRD4, HTR1B, HTR2B, MTHFR, SLC6A3, TPH1, SLC6A2, GABRA3 in ALL database.
## Warning in psygenetGene(gene = genesOfInterest, database = "ALL", verbose = TRUE): One or more of the given genes is not in PsyGeNET ( 'ALL' ):
## HTR2B
A DataGeNET.Psy
object is obtained. In this particular example, 19 genes are present in PsyGeNET and are associated to 42 diseases, involving 212 GDAs.
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: gene
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: COMT ... GABRA3
## . Number of Results: 212
## . Number of unique Diseases: 42
## . Number of unique Genes: 19
provides several options to visualize the results of these queries, such as networks, heatmaps and barplots.
As for the single gene example, the default option in psygenet2r
results is a network chart, where the blue nodes represent diseases and the yellows nodes represent genes. Node colors can be changed adding the following arguments geneColor
and diseaseColor
plot( m1 )
It is also possible to visualize the results by grouping the diseases according to the psychiatric disorders present in PsyGeNET (depression, bipolar disorder, alcohol use disorders, cocaine use disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cannabis use disorder, substance-induced depressive disorder and psychoses) setting the type
argument to "GDCA network"
. As a result, a psychiatric disorder genes network is obtained. The edge’s size is proportional to the number of disease concepts that belongs to each disease class, from the total number of diseases associated to the gene.
Note that the node colors can be changed adding the next arguments: AUDcolor
for alcohol use disorders node, BDcolor
for bipolar disorders and related disorders node, DEPcolor
for depressive disorders node, SCHZcolor
for schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders node, CUDcolor
for cocaine use disorders node, SIDEPcolor
for substance induced depressive disorder node, CanUDcolor
for cannabis use disorders node, SYPSYcolor
for substance induced psychosis node and geneColor
for the gene node.
plot( m1, type = "GDCA network" )
package allows to visualize the GDAs attributes in a heatmap. The argument type
must be "GDA heatmap"
and the PsyGeNET evidence index can also be determined by the user setting the cut-off
argument to the evidence index of interest. In this example, the cut-off is set to 0, in order to obtain all the results. If we set the cut-off to 0.5, only those associations with at least half of the publications supporting the association will be shown. In this kind of representation we can identify genes that are associated to several diseases (e.g. SLC6A4), others that are associated only to one disease (e.g. HTR6) and we can visualize the evidence index for each association.
Note that heatmap cells are coloured by default in blue, grey or yellow. Blue cells represent those GDAs where all the evidences reviewed by the experts support the existence of an association between the gene and the disease (EI = 1); it will be grey when there is contradictory evidence for the GDA (some publications support the association while others publications do not support it, 1 > EI > 0), and it will be yellow when all the evidences reviewed by the experts report that there is no association between the gene and the disease (EI = 0).
The heatmap cells colors can be changed using the arguments ei0color
for those cases in which EI = 0, eiAmbiguitcolor
for those cases in which 1 > EI > 0 and ei1color
for those cases in which EI = 1.
plot( m1, type="GDA heatmap" )
In this example we can see that there are 3 GDAs in yellow (GNB3-chronic alcoholic intoxication; HTR2A-drug psychoses and ACE-major affective disorder 2), indicating that all publications report that there is no association.
An alternative graphical representation is a psychiatric disorder heatmap related to the percentage of diseases in a class to which a gene is associated. It allows to analyze if the genes that are being studied present a specific association with a subtype of disorder or if they are associated with several of them in the same psychiatric disorder class. The percentage of diseases to which a gene appears associated with each psychiatric disorder is estimated. This percentage is relative to the total number of subtypes of disorders present in PsyGeNET (33 for alcohol UD, 9 for bipolar disorder, 37 for depression, 24 for schizophrenia, 6 for cocaine UD, 3 for cannabis UD, 3 for DI-Psychosis and 2 for SI-Depression). The resulting values are represented in a heatmap according to a blue color scale.
In order to obtain this graphic, type
must be set to "GDCA heatmap"
. The resulting heatmap shows which are the genes that are higher or lower associated to each one of the psychiatric disorders. Note that the heatmap colors can be defined using the arguments highColor
(blue by default) and ‘lowColor’ (white by default).
plot( m1, type = "GDCA heatmap" )
As it could be expected for the genes that are used in this query, all of them are associated to depression, to a greater or lesser extent. Some of them are also associated to the other six psychiatric disorders, following a similar pattern alcohol UD and bipolar disorder.
package also allows to analyze a gene list according to the function of the proteins encoded by these genes. The PANTHER Protein Class Ontology classifies proteins according to their function.
The pantherGraphic
function shows the Panther class of the proteins for each psychiatric disorder class. It provides a graphic with the results of these analysis, being the input a list of genes and the database (ALL
, psycur15
, psycur16
). The input genes can be from a vector that contains the genes of interest, or from the genes obtained in the DataGeNET.psy
object in a disease or disease-list query. Given the vector with the genes of interest, this function creates a representation of the panther-class these genes belong to. The sum of the percentages of the different protein class for each specific psychiatric disease will be 100%. Note that this percentage will be relative to the number of the input genes associated with each psychiatric category. A evidenceIndex argument can be added to filter results. It can also be done given a DataGeNET.psy object obtained by querying with a single gene.
genesOfInterest <- unique( genesOfInterest )
pantherGraphic( genesOfInterest, "ALL" )
## Warning in psygenetGene(geneList, database, verbose = verbose): One or more of the given genes is not in PsyGeNET ( 'ALL' ):
## HTR2B
offers additional options to visualize the results of a query using a list of genes or from the genes obtained in the DataGeNET.psy
object in a gene or gene-list query. Barplots and pie charts showing the gene attributes can be obtained by applying the geneAttrPlot
package allows to visualize how many of our genes of interest are associated to each psychiatric disorder present in PsyGeNET and how many of them are exclusively associated to a particular psychiatric disorder. This can be done applying the geneAttrPlot
function and setting the type
argument to "cateogry"
geneAttrPlot( m1, type = "disease category" )
As a result, a barplot is obtained. The X axis contains the psychiatric disorders, sorted alphabetically and the number of genes are represented in the Y axis. For each psychiatric disorder two bars are plotted, the blue bar represents the total number of genes for the psychiatric disorder. For those cases in which some of these genes are specific for the disorder according to PsyGeNET, a second bar coloured in orange will be displayed. The bar colors can be changed using the arguments totalGenesBarColor
and uniqueGenesBarColor
Alternatively, psygenet2r
package allows to visualize for each gene, how many disease concepts and how many psychiatric categories are associated to it. This can be done applying the geneAttrPlot
function and setting the type
argument to "gene"
geneAttrPlot( m1, type = "gene" )
As a result, a barplot is obtained. The X axis contains the genes, sorted alphabetically and the number of cuis and psychiatric categories are represented in the Y axis. For each psychiatric disorder two bars are plotted, the purple bar represents the number of cuis and the yellow one belongs to the number of categories. The bar colors can be changed using the arguments cuiBarColor
and diseaseCategoryBarColor
In our example, the gene SLC6A4 is the one whith more associated cuis (26) and categories (6).
If we are only interested in how many of our input genes are associated to each disease category, psygenet2r
package allows to visualize it in a pie chart by applying the geneAttrPlot
function and setting up the type
argument to pie
Note that the colors for each psychiatric category can be changed adding the next arguments: AUDcolor
for alcohol use disorders, BDcolor
for bipolar disorders and related disorders, DEPcolor
for depressive disorders, SCHZcolor
for schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, CUDcolor
for cocaine use disorders, SIDEPcolor
for substance induced depressive disorder, CanUDcolor
for cannabis use disorders and SYPSYcolor
for substance induced psychosis.
geneAttrPlot( m1, type = "pie" )
In our example, depression has 19 associated genes, and the majority of them are also associated to other psychiatric disorders, like bipolar disorder (18 genes) and alcohol UD (16 genes).
In PsyGeNET it is important to keep track of both “positive” and the “negative” findings, and let the user make their own judgements based on the available evidence. Thus, for each GDA and each supporting publication,the association type information is provided. According to the evidence, there are two types: “Association” and “No Association” (e.g. the “negative findings”).
package allows to visualize this information in a barplot. It can be done by applying the geneAttrPlot
function and setting the type
argument to "evidence index"
. As a result a barplot showing, for each psychiatric disorder, how many gene-disease association are in total (red bar), how many of them are 100% association (green bar), 100% no association (blue bar) and how many GDAs are supported by both association types (purple bar).
geneAttrPlot( m1, type = "evidence index" )
In our example, the barplot shows that depression is the psychiatric disorder with more gene-disease associations (127 GDAs), and there is no negative evidence for any of the associations.
The R package psygenet2r
allows to perform an enrichment analysis on a list of genes with PsyGeNET diseases. It is done by using the function enrichedPD
. In order to illustrate this function, the previous list of 20 genes associated to depression [4] will be used.
tbl <- enrichedPD( genesOfInterest, database = "ALL")
## MPD p.value
## 1 Alcohol use disorders 1.873960e-08
## 2 Bipolar disorders and related disorders 2.559998e-08
## 3 Depressive disorders 6.286367e-09
## 4 Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders 8.854607e-01
## 5 Cocaine use disorders 3.697393e-07
## 6 Substance induced depressive disorder 1.361419e-02
## 7 Cannabis use disorders 3.406556e-03
## 8 Substance induced psychosis 1.737779e-02
The result is a table with a p-value of the enrichment of the given list of genes for each psychiatric disorder in PsyGeNET. As we can see, if we put a p-value cut-off of 0.01, these genes are enriched in 5 of the 8 psychiatric disorders, being alcohol UD (p-val ~ 9e-10) and depression (p-val ~ 6e-9), the ones with the lowest p-value.
package allows to perform gene set enrichment test based on expression of genes in anatomical structures, importing data from the Bgee database [5] and importing functions from BgeeDB R package [6] .
It is done by using the function topAnatEnrichment
. This function perform the enrichment analysis using a list of genes (NCBI gene identifier or official Gene Symbol from HUGO). It contains also other arguments like the dataType
(rna_seq or affymetrix), statistics
, that by default is fisher
and the cutOff
tpAnat <- topAnatEnrichment( genesOfInterest, cutOff = 1 )
head( tpAnat )
## organId organName annotated
## UBERON:0000013 UBERON:0000013 sympathetic nervous system 338
## UBERON:0000407 UBERON:0000407 sympathetic trunk 338
## UBERON:0002410 UBERON:0002410 autonomic nervous system 338
## UBERON:0001769 UBERON:0001769 iris 182
## UBERON:0011892 UBERON:0011892 anterior uvea 187
## UBERON:0001697 UBERON:0001697 orbital region 117
## significant expected foldEnrichment pValue FDR
## UBERON:0000013 5 3.75 1.333333 0.3141495 1
## UBERON:0000407 5 3.75 1.333333 0.3141495 1
## UBERON:0002410 5 3.75 1.333333 0.3141495 1
## UBERON:0001769 3 2.02 1.485149 0.3278057 1
## UBERON:0011892 3 2.07 1.449275 0.3438253 1
## UBERON:0001697 2 1.30 1.538462 0.3763757 1
The result is a data frame that contains the anatomical structures. Results are sorted by p-value, and FDR values are calculated.
package also allows to extract the sentences that report a gene-disease asssociation from the supporting publications. It is done by using two different functions, psygenetGeneSentences
and extractSentences
. psygenetGeneSentences
needs as input a gene list and a database to query in. The output of this function is a DataGeNET.Psy
object. This object is passed to the extractSentences
function, that also needs the disorder of interest.
## [1] "COMT" "CLOCK" "DRD3" "GNB3" "HTR1A" "MAOA" "HTR2A" "HTR2C"
## [9] "HTR6" "SLC6A4" "ACE" "BDNF" "DRD4" "HTR1B" "HTR2B" "MTHFR"
## [17] "SLC6A3" "TPH1" "SLC6A2" "GABRA3"
sss <- psygenetGeneSentences( geneList = genesOfInterest,
database = "ALL")
## Warning in psygenetGeneSentences(geneList = genesOfInterest, database =
## "ALL"): One or more of the given genes is not in PsyGeNET ( 'ALL' ). Genes:
## HTR2B
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: gene
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: COMT ... GABRA3
## . Number of Results: 743
## . Number of unique Diseases: 42
## . Number of unique Genes: 19
geneSentences <- extractSentences( object = sss,
disorder = "alcohol abuse")
## 117 DRD3 1814 C0085762 alcohol abuse psycur15 10686561
## 199 HTR1A 3350 C0085762 alcohol abuse psycur15 12753073
## 239 MAOA 4128 C0085762 alcohol abuse psycur15 22030358
## 240 MAOA 4128 C0085762 alcohol abuse psycur15 17347351
## 292 HTR2A 3356 C0085762 alcohol abuse psycur15 18241316
## 293 HTR2A 3356 C0085762 alcohol abuse psycur15 9632223
## 117 Association
## 199 Association
## 239 Association
## 240 Association
## 292 No Association
## 293 Association
## 117 We conclude that neither the COMT nor <span class=gene id=10686561-10-38-42>DRD3</span> polymorphisms are associated with anxiety, depression, or <span class=disease id=10686561-10-101-114>alcohol abuse</span>.
## 199 As disturbances of serotonin neurotransmission are implicated in <span class=disease id=12753073-2-65-78>alcohol abuse</span> and aggression, we have examined in BDNF (+/-) mice alcohol drinking behavior, as well as central 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)1A receptor function at the level of <span class=gene id=12753073-2-240-255>5-HT1A receptor</span>-G protein interaction.
## 239 Low-activity <span class=gene id=22030358-10-13-17>MAOA</span> genotype buffered against symptoms of dysthymia, major depressive disorder, and <span class=disease id=22030358-10-98-111>alcohol abuse</span> for sexually abused white participants.
## 240 For example, it has been shown that childhood maltreatment interacts with a <span class=gene id=17347351-8-76-95>monoamine oxidase A</span> (<span class=gene id=17347351-8-97-101>MAOA</span>) gene variant to predict antisocial behavior that is often associated with <span class=disease id=17347351-8-177-187>alcoholism</span>, and an interaction between early life stress and a serotonin transporter promoter variant predicts <span class=disease id=17347351-8-288-301>alcohol abuse</span> in nonhuman primates and depression in humans.
## 292 <span class=disease id=18241316-13-0-13>Alcohol abuse</span> by itself did not have a significant effect on PFC <span class=gene id=18241316-13-65-72>5-HT(2A</span>) binding and as <span class=gene id=18241316-13-89-96>5-HT(2A</span>) binding in alcoholics is not different from controls and antagonists may be therapeutic, fewer receptors may result in downstream developmental effects on the brain resulting in a predisposition to <span class=disease id=18241316-13-296-306>alcoholism</span>.
## 293 Finally, because both the opiate and <span class=gene id=9632223-10-37-43>5-HT2A</span> antagonists reduce the ingestion of saccharin and chocolate solutions differentially, it is apparent that preferences for alternative palatable fluids should be examined when candidate drugs are screened for suppressing alcohol drinking and ultimately the treatment of <span class=disease id=9632223-10-313-326>alcohol abuse</span>.
dim( geneSentences )
## [1] 14 8
The result is a data frame that contains the gene symbol, gene identifier, disease name, original db, the pmid, the annotation type and the sentence.
package allows to explore PsyGeNET information searching a specifc disease or a list of diseases. As in the case of genes, it retrieves the information that is available in PsyGeNET and allows to visualize the results in several ways.
In order to look for a single disease into PsyGeNET, psygenet2r
has the psygenetDisease
function. This function allows you to obtain PsyGeNET’s information using both disease id or disease name, and the database as input (by default is ALL
If the user does not know the disease identifier, the getUMLS
function can be used to obtain disease names and UMLS CUIs from a string query. Providing as input the term and source of interest, getUMLs
function retrieves all the PsyGeNET concepts that contain it. As an example it is shown the query results for depressive
term in ALL
getUMLs( "depressive", database = "ALL" )
## DiseaseName
## 17 major depressive disorder
## 18 drug-induced depressive state
## 21 depressive disorder
## 52 depressive disorder, treatment-resistant
## 116 depressive symptoms
## 335 recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified
## 622 single major depressive episode
## 783 recurrent major depressive episodes
## 1492 depressive episode, unspecified
## 2229 mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
## 2637 depressive syndrome
## PsychiatricDisorder umls
## 17 Depressive disorders umls:C1269683
## 18 Substance induced depressive disorder umls:C0338715
## 21 Depressive disorders umls:C0011581
## 52 Depressive disorders umls:C2063866
## 116 Depressive disorders umls:C0086132
## 335 Depressive disorders umls:C0349218
## 622 Depressive disorders umls:C0024517
## 783 Depressive disorders umls:C0154409
## 1492 Depressive disorders umls:C0349217
## 2229 Depressive disorders umls:C0338908
## 2637 Depressive disorders umls:C0086133
As an example, the disease major affective disorder 2, whose disease id is umls:C1839839 is queried using psygenetDisease
function, and using both, disease name and disease id. The argument evidenceIndex
is filled with a vector which first position can be '<'
or '>'
to indicate if the threshold is read as lower or upper. The second argument is the threshold in itself which will always be included. This argument is also present in psygenetGene
The the PsyGeNET evidence index (EI) ranges from 0 to 1 (EI = 1
, when all the evidences reviewed by the experts support the existence of an association between the gene and the disease; 1 > EI > 0
, when there is contradictory evidence for the GDA and EI = 0
when all the evidences reviewed by the experts report that there is no association between the gene and the disease).
For this example database "ALL"
and evidenceIndex > 0.5
is selected:
d1 <- psygenetDisease( disease = "umls:C1839839",
database = "ALL",
evidenceIndex = c('>', 0.5 ) )
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: disease
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: umls:C1839839
## . Number of Results: 17
## . Number of unique Genes: 17
## . Number of unique Diseases: 1
d2 <- psygenetDisease( disease = "major affective disorder 2",
database = "ALL",
evidenceIndex = c('>', 0.5 ) )
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: disease
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: major affective disorder 2
## . Number of Results: 17
## . Number of unique Genes: 17
## . Number of unique Diseases: 1
Both cases result in an DataGeNET.Psy
object, that contains the same information as in the gene query search:
class( d1 )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
class( d2 )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
package offers several options to visualize the results from PysGeNET given a disease: a network showing the genes related to the disease of interest and a barplot showing how many publications report each one of the gene-disease associations.
By default, psygenet2r
shows the GDAs network when ploting a DataGeNET.Psy
object with a disease-query. The result is a network where, yellow nodes are genes and the central and blue node is the disease of interest. Node colors can be changed adding the following arguments geneColor
and diseaseColor
plot ( d1,
geneColor = "turquoise2",
diseaseColor = "black")
In the same way, psygenet2r
allows to query PsyGeNET given a set of diseases of interest. The same function, psygenetDisease
, accepts a vector of disease-names or disease-ids (umls code).
To illustrate this functionality, two disorders has been selected: chronic schizophrenia and alcohol use disorder. The vector of diseases can be defined for example, as follows:
diseasesOfInterest <- c( "chronic schizophrenia","alcohol use disorder" )
tt <- psygenetDisease( disease = diseasesOfInterest,
database = "ALL" )
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: disease
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: chronic schizophrenia ... alcohol use disorder
## . Number of Results: 25
## . Number of unique Genes: 25
## . Number of unique Diseases: 2
dm <- psygenetDisease( disease = c( "umls:C0221765", "umls:C0001956" ),
database = "ALL" )
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: disease
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: umls:C0221765 ... umls:C0001956
## . Number of Results: 25
## . Number of unique Genes: 25
## . Number of unique Diseases: 2
tm <- psygenetDisease( disease = c( "chronic schizophrenia","umls:C0001956" ),
database = "ALL" )
## Object of class 'DataGeNET.Psy'
## . Type: disease
## . Database: ALL
## . Term: chronic schizophrenia ... umls:C0001956
## . Number of Results: 25
## . Number of unique Genes: 25
## . Number of unique Diseases: 2
Three cases result in an DataGeNET.Psy
class( tt )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
class( dm )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
class( tm )
## [1] "DataGeNET.Psy"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "psygenet2r"
This type of object contains all the information about the different genes associated with the diseases of interest retrieved from PsyGeNET. By inspecting the DataGeNET.Psy
object we can see that, according to PsyGeNET and querying in ALL databases, the 2 disorders of interest are associated to 25 different genes in 25 different associations.
provides a network graphic and a heatmap to visualize the results of search with multiple input items.
As for single disease, GDAs network is the default option in psygenet2r
. In the resulting network chart, the blue nodes represent diseases and the yellows nodes represent genes. Node colors can be changed adding the following arguments geneColor
and diseaseColor
plot( tm )
Another possible option is visualize it in a heatmap. The argument type
can be set to "GDCA heatmap"
plot( tm, type = "GDCA heatmap" )
The result is a heatmap where the diseases are located at Y axis, and genes appear at X axis. The color is related to the PsyGeNET evidenceIndex (EI), being blue when EI = 1, yellow when EI = 0 and grey for 0>EI<1. The EI ranges from 0 to 1 (EI=1, when all the evidences reviewed by the experts support the existence of an association between the gene and the disease; 1 > EI > 0, when there is contradictory evidence for the GDA and EI=0 when all the evidences reviewed by the experts report that there is no association between the gene and the disease).
The heatmap cells colors can be changed using the arguments ei0color
for those cases in which EI = 0, eiAmbiguitcolor
for those cases in which 1 > EI > 0 and ei1color
for those cases in which EI = 1.
package allows to see how many publications support each gene-disease association. This can be visualized in a barplot by determining the gene or disease id in the name
argument and setting type
argument to "publications "
. The bar color can be changed using the argument barColor
(by default grey).
plot( d1,
name = "major affective disorder 2",
type = "publications" )
As a result, a barplot is obtained. The X axis contains the genes related to the disease of interest, sorted by the number of pubmed ids in which we can find the gene-disease association. Alternatively, the results can be visualized for the diseases.
plot( t1,
name = "NPY",
type = "publications",
barColor = "blue")
GDCA heatmap
type argument do not allow queries for single gene:
> plot( t1, type = "GDCA heatmap" )
==> Error: For this type of chart, a multiple gene query created with
'psygenetGene' is required.
Input Object | psygenet2r function |
Argument Type | Output Generated |
DataGeNET.Psy |
geneAttrPlot |
disease category | genes asociated with each DC |
gene | disease concepts and DC associated with each gene | ||
pie | pie chart number of genes per DC | ||
evidence index | barplot showing the type of association | ||
plot |
GDA network | GDA network (default type) | |
GDCA network | GDCAs network | ||
GDA heatmap | Evidence Index heatmap for GDCAs (gene) | ||
GDCA heatmap | Heatmap for GDA (disease) | ||
publications | number of publications supporting GDA | ||
Gene vector | pantherGraphic |
/ | Barplot showing the protein panther class |
JaccardIndexPsy | plot |
/ | JI Bar-plot / heatmap |
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