## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # plotGate(x, y, ...) ## ----echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, results='hide'-------------------------------- library(flowCore) library(flowWorkspace) flowDataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "flowWorkspaceData") gs <- load_gs(file.path(flowDataPath,"gs_manual")) # change the CD3 gate as 1d gate g <- rectangleGate(`` = c(2000, Inf), filterId = "CD3+") g <- sapply(sampleNames(gs), function(sn)g) gs_pop_set_gate(gs, "CD3+", g) recompute(gs, "CD3+") #preset lattice option old.theme <- flowWorkspace.par.get("theme.novpadding") new.theme <- lattice:::updateList(old.theme, list(axis.text = list(cex = 1) , par.xlab.text = list(cex = 1) , par.ylab.text = list(cex = 1) ) ) flowWorkspace.par.set(name="theme.novpadding", new.theme) flowWorkspace.par.set("plotGate", list(arrange = FALSE)) library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(fig.show = 'hold', fig.width = 3, fig.height = 3, results = 'hide', message = FALSE) ## ----fig.width = 4------------------------------------------------------------ # plot the entire gating tree plot(gs) # plot a sub-tree plot(gs, "CD3+") plot(gs, "CD4") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # default xbin = 32 plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", main = "default (xbin = 32)") # increase the resolution plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", xbin = 128, main = "xbin = 128") # have the highest resolution by disabling hexbin plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", xbin = 0, main = "xbin = 0 (no binning)") # speed up plotting by sub-sampling the data points # most of them it is subsampled data is sufficient to represent the # population distribution plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", sample.ratio = 0.4, main = "sample.ratio = 0.4") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # hide the strip plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", strip = FALSE, main = "strip = FALSE") # change the gating path length in strip plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", path = "full", main = "path = 'full'") plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", path = 2, main = "path = 2") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # hide the pop stats plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", stats = FALSE, main = "stats = FALSE") # adjust the location, size, background of the stats plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+" , pos = c(0.6, 0.9) , digits = 4 , par.settings = list(gate.text = list(background = list(fill = "yellow") #stats background , cex = 2 #stats font size ) ) ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # show the tranformed scale instead of raw scale plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", raw.scale = FALSE, main = "raw.scale = FALSE") # use the actual data range instead of instrument range plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", xlim = "data", ylim = "data", main = "xlim = 'data'") # zooming by manually set xlim and ylim plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", xlim = c(1000, 4000), ylim = c(1000, 4000), main = "xlim = c(1000, 4000)") # hide the channel names and only show the marker names in x,y labs plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+", marker.only = TRUE, main = "marker.only = TRUE") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # change the gate color and width plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+" , par.settings = list(gate = list(col = "black" , lwd = 3 , lty = "dotted") ) ) # change the panel background and axis label size plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/38+ DR+" , par.settings = list(panel.background = list(col = "white") , par.xlab.text = list(cex = 1.5) , par.ylab.text = list(cex = 1.5) , axis.text = list(cex = 1.5) ) ) ## ----fig.width = 5, fig.height= 5--------------------------------------------- # display one population as an overlay on top of another population plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/CCR7- 45RA+", overlay = "CD4/38+ DR+") #adjust the overlay symbol plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/CCR7- 45RA+" , overlay = "CD4/38+ DR+" , par.settings = list(overlay.symbol = list(cex = 0.1 , fill = "black" , bg.alpha = 0.1 #dim the background density ) ) ) #add multiple overlays plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/CCR7- 45RA+" , overlay = c("CD4/CCR7+ 45RA+", "CD4/CCR7+ 45RA-") , par.settings = list(overlay.symbol = list(cex = 0.05, bg.alpha = 0.1)) ) # customize the symbol and legend plotGate(gs[[1]], "CD4/CCR7- 45RA+" , overlay = c("CD4/CCR7+ 45RA+", "CD4/CCR7+ 45RA-") , par.settings = list(overlay.symbol = list(cex = 0.05, bg.alpha = 0.1)) , overlay.symbol = list(`CCR7+ 45RA+` = list(fill = "black") #this overwrite the par.settings , `CD4/CCR7+ 45RA-` = list(fill = "darkgreen") ) , key = list(text = list(c("CCR7+ 45RA+", "CCR7+ 45RA-")) # add legend , points = list(col = c("black", "darkgreen"), pch = 19, cex = 0.5) , columns = 2 ) ) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- flowWorkspace.par.set("plotGate", list(arrange = TRUE)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot multiple populations (gates are merged into same panel if they share the same parent and projections) plotGate(gs[[1]], c("CD4", "CD8")) # flip the projection plotGate(gs[[1]], c("CD4", "CD8"), projections = list("CD4" = c(x = "CD8", y = "CD4"))) # dot not merge the gates plotGate(gs[[1]], c("CD4", "CD8"), merge = FALSE) # use gpar to change layout # use arrange.main to change the default title plotGate(gs[[1]], c("CD4", "CD8"), merge = FALSE, gpar = list(nrow = 1), arrange.main = "CD4 vs CD8") ## ----eval =FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # # or return populations as individual trellis objects # #and arrange them manually # latticeObjs <- plotGate(gs[[1]], c("CD4", "CD8"), merge = FALSE, arrange = FALSE) # do.call(grid.arrange, c(latticeObjs, nrow = 1, main = "Tcell subsets")) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # clone 4 samples to prepare lattice plot gslist <- lapply(1:4, function(i){ gs_clone <- clone(gs) sampleNames(gs_clone) <- paste0(i, ".fcs") pData(gs_clone)[["name"]] <- paste0(i, ".fcs") gs_clone }) gs <- GatingSetList(gslist) # create study variables pData(gs)$Stim <- c("Vaccined", "Placebo", "Vaccined", "Placebo") pData(gs)$PTID <- c("P001", "P001", "P002", "P002") set.seed(1) # add noise to CD3 pop of P002 for(i in c(1,2)){ cd3_ind <- gh_pop_get_indices(gs[[i]], "CD3+") nTcell <- length(which(cd3_ind)) toNoiseInd <- which(cd3_ind)[sort(sample.int(nTcell, 0.8 * nTcell))] cd3_sub_sig <- exprs(gs_cyto_data(gs@data[[i]])[[1]])[toNoiseInd, ""] noise <- cd3_sub_sig - 1000 * pnorm(1:length(toNoiseInd)) exprs(gs_cyto_data(gs@data[[i]])[[1]])[toNoiseInd, ""] <- noise recompute(gs[[i]], "CD3+") } # decrease active Tcells signals from Placebo groups for(i in c(2,4)){ act_ind <- gh_pop_get_indices(gs[[i]], "CD4/38+ DR+") nActTcell <- length(which(act_ind)) toNoiseInd <- which(act_ind)[sort(sample.int(nActTcell, 0.5 * nActTcell))] sub_sig <- exprs(gs_cyto_data(gs@data[[i]])[[1]])[toNoiseInd, ""] noise <- sub_sig - 3000 * pnorm(1:length(toNoiseInd)) exprs(gs_cyto_data(gs@data[[i]])[[1]])[toNoiseInd, ""] <- noise recompute(gs[[i]], "CD4/38+ DR+") } ## ----fig.width = 5, fig.height= 5--------------------------------------------- # condition on `Stim` and `PTID` plotGate(gs, "CD4/38+ DR+", cond = "Stim+PTID") # to put the second condition variable to the y axis latticeExtra::useOuterStrips(plotGate(gs, "CD4/38+ DR+", cond = "Stim+PTID")) ## ----fig.width = 3, fig.height= 3--------------------------------------------- plotGate(gs[c(1,3)], "CD3+") # change the default y axis plotGate(gs[c(1,3)], "CD3+", default.y = "") # change the plot type plotGate(gs[c(1,3)], "CD3+", type = "densityplot") # fit the 1d gate onto 1d density plotGate(gs[c(1,3)], "CD3+", type = "densityplot", fitGate = TRUE) # stack them together plotGate(gs[c(1,3)], "CD3+", type = "densityplot", stack = TRUE) ## ---- fig.width= 12, fig.height=6--------------------------------------------- plotGate(gs[[3]], gpar = list(nrow = 2))