%\VignetteIndexEntry{RUVSeq: Remove Unwanted Variation from RNA-Seq Data}


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\title{\Biocpkg{RUVSeq}: Remove Unwanted Variation from RNA-Seq Data}
\author{Davide Risso}
\date{Modified: April 13, 2014.  Compiled: \today.}




In this document, we show how to conduct a differential expression (DE) analysis that controls for ``unwanted variation'', e.g., batch, library preparation, and other nuisance effects, using the between-sample normalization methods proposed in \cite{risso2013ruv}. We call this approach \Biocpkg{RUVSeq} for \emph{remove unwanted variation from RNA-Seq data}.

Briefly, \Biocpkg{RUVSeq} works as follows. For $n$ samples and $J$ genes, consider the following generalized linear model (GLM), where the RNA-Seq read counts are regressed on both the known covariates of interest and unknown factors of unwanted variation, 

\log E[Y | W, X, O] = W \alpha + X \beta + O.
Here, $Y$ is the $n \times J$ matrix of observed gene-level read counts, $W$ is an $n \times k$ matrix corresponding to the factors of ``unwanted variation'' and $\alpha$ its associated $k \times J$ matrix of nuisance parameters, $X$ is an $n \times p$ matrix corresponding to the $p$ covariates of interest/factors of ``wanted variation'' (e.g., treatment effect) and $\beta$ its associated $p \times J$ matrix of parameters of interest, and $O$ is an $n \times J$ matrix of offsets that can either be set to zero or estimated with some other normalization procedure (such as upper-quartile normalization).  

The matrix $X$ is a random variable, assumed to be known a priori. For instance, in the usual two-class comparison setting (e.g., treated vs. control samples), $X$ is an $n \times 2$ design matrix with a column of ones corresponding to an intercept and a column of indicator variables for the class of each sample (e.g., 0 for control and 1 for treated) \cite{mccullough1989generalized}. The matrix $W$ is an unobserved random variable and $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $k$ are unknown

The simultaneous estimation of $W$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $k$ is infeasible. For a given $k$, we consider instead the following three approaches to estimate the factors of unwanted variation $W$:
\item \Rfunction{RUVg} uses negative control genes, assumed to have constant expression across samples;
\item \Rfunction{RUVs} uses centered (technical) replicate/negative control samples for which the covariates of interest are constant; 
\item \Rfunction{RUVr} uses residuals, e.g., from a first-pass GLM regression of the counts on the covariates of interest.

The resulting estimate of $W$ can then be plugged into Equation \eqref{eq1}, for the full set of genes and samples, and $\alpha$ and $\beta$ estimated by GLM regression. Normalized read counts can be obtained as residuals from
  ordinary least squares (OLS) regression of $\log Y - O$ on the estimated $W$.
Note that although here we illustrate the RUV approach using the GLM implementation of \Biocpkg{edgeR} and \Biocpkg{DESeq2}, all three RUV versions can be readily adapted to work with any DE method formulated within a GLM framework.

See \cite{risso2013ruv} for full details and algorithms for each of the
three RUV procedures.

\section{A typical differential expression analysis workflow}

In this section, we consider the \Rfunction{RUVg} function to estimate the factors of unwanted variation using control genes. See Sections \ref{sec:replicate} and \ref{sec:residuals}, respectively, for examples using the \Rfunction{RUVs} and \Rfunction{RUVr} approaches.

We consider the zebrafish dataset of \cite{ferreira2013silencing}, available through the \Bioconductor{} package \Biocpkg{zebrafishRNASeq}. The data correspond to RNA libraries for three pairs of gallein-treated and control embryonic zebrafish cell pools. For each of the 6 samples, we have RNA-Seq read counts for $32{,}469$ Ensembl genes and $92$ ERCC spike-in sequences. See
\cite{risso2013ruv} and the \Biocpkg{zebrafishRNASeq} package vignette
for details.

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\subsection{Filtering and exploratory data analysis}

We filter out non-expressed genes, by requiring more than 5 reads
in at least two samples for each gene.

filter <- apply(zfGenes, 1, function(x) length(x[x>5])>=2)
filtered <- zfGenes[filter,]
genes <- rownames(filtered)[grep("^ENS", rownames(filtered))]
spikes <- rownames(filtered)[grep("^ERCC", rownames(filtered))]

After the filtering, we are left with $\Sexpr{length(genes)}$ genes and
$\Sexpr{length(spikes)}$ spike-ins.

We store the data in an object of S4 class \Rclass{SeqExpressionSet} from  the \Biocpkg{EDASeq} package. This allows us to make full use of
the plotting and normalization functionality of \Biocpkg{EDASeq}. Note,
however, that all the methods in \Biocpkg{RUVSeq} are implemented for both
 \Rclass{SeqExpressionSet} and \Rclass{matrix} objects. See the
help pages for details.

x <- as.factor(rep(c("Ctl", "Trt"), each=3))
set <- newSeqExpressionSet(as.matrix(filtered),
                           phenoData = data.frame(x, row.names=colnames(filtered)))

The boxplots of relative log expression (RLE = log-ratio of read count to median read count across sample) and plots of principal components (PC) in Figure \ref{fig:rle} reveal a clear need for betwen-sample normalization. 

<<rle, fig.cap="No normalization.",fig.subcap=c("RLE plot","PCA plot")>>=
colors <- brewer.pal(3, "Set2")
plotRLE(set, outline=FALSE, ylim=c(-4, 4), col=colors[x])
plotPCA(set, col=colors[x], cex=1.2)

We can use the \Rfunction{betweenLaneNormalization} function of
\Biocpkg{EDASeq} to normalize the data using upper-quartile (UQ)
normalization \cite{bullard2010evaluation}.

<<uq, fig.cap="Upper-quartile normalization.", fig.subcap=c("RLE plot","PCA plot")>>=
set <- betweenLaneNormalization(set, which="upper")
plotRLE(set, outline=FALSE, ylim=c(-4, 4), col=colors[x])
plotPCA(set, col=colors[x], cex=1.2)

After upper-quartile normalization, treated sample \emph{Trt11} still
shows extra variability when compared to the rest of the samples
(Figure \ref{fig:uq}a). This is reflected by the first principal
component (Figure \ref{fig:uq}b), that is driven by the difference
between \emph{Trt11} and the other samples.

\subsection{RUVg: Estimating the factors of unwanted variation using control genes}

To estimate the factors of unwanted variation, we need a set of \emph{negative
  control genes}, i.e., genes that can be assumed not to be influenced by the
covariates of interest (in the case of the zebrafish dataset, the Gallein
treatment). In many cases, such a set can be identified, e.g., housekeeping genes or spike-in controls. If a good set of
negative controls is not readily available, one can define a set of ``in-silico empirical''
controls as in Section \ref{sec:empirical}.

Here, we use the ERCC spike-ins as controls and we consider $k=1$
factors of unwanted variation. See \cite{risso2013ruv} and
\cite{gagnon2012} for a discussion on the choice of $k$.

<<ruv_spikes, fig.cap="RUVg normalization based on spike-in controls.", fig.subcap=c("RLE plot","PCA plot")>>=
set1 <- RUVg(set, spikes, k=1)
plotRLE(set1, outline=FALSE, ylim=c(-4, 4), col=colors[x])
plotPCA(set1, col=colors[x], cex=1.2)

The \Rfunction{RUVg} function returns two pieces of information: the
estimated factors of unwanted variation (added as columns to the \Rcode{phenoData} slot of \Robject{set}) and
the normalized counts obtained by regressing the original counts on
the unwanted factors. The normalized values are stored in the
\Rcode{normalizedCounts} slot of \Robject{set} and can be accessed
with the \Rfunction{normCounts} method. These counts should be used only
for exploration. It is important that subsequent DE analysis be
done on the \emph{original counts} (accessible through the
\Rfunction{counts} method), as removing the unwanted factors
from the counts can also remove part of a factor of interest \cite{ruv4}.

Note that one can relax the negative control
  gene assumption by requiring instead the identification of a set of
  positive or negative controls, with a priori known
  expression fold-changes between samples, i.e., known $\beta$.  
One can then use the centered counts for these genes ($\log Y - X\beta$) for normalization purposes. 

\subsection{Differential expression analysis}

Now, we are ready to look for differentially expressed genes, using
the negative binomial GLM approach implemented in \Biocpkg{edgeR} (see the
\Biocpkg{edgeR} package vignette for details).
This is done by considering a design matrix that includes both the
covariates of interest (here, the treatment status) and the factors of
unwanted variation.

<<edger, eval=FALSE>>=
design <- model.matrix(~x + W_1, data=pData(set1))
y <- DGEList(counts=counts(set1), group=x)
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method="upperquartile")
y <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y, design)
y <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y, design)

fit <- glmFit(y, design)
lrt <- glmLRT(fit, coef=2)


\subsection{Empirical control genes}

If no genes are known \emph{a priori} not to be influenced by the covariates of interest, one can obtain a set of ``in-silico empirical'' negative controls, e.g., least significantly  DE genes based on a first-pass DE analysis performed prior to RUVg normalization.
design <- model.matrix(~x, data=pData(set))
y <- DGEList(counts=counts(set), group=x)
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method="upperquartile")
y <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y, design)
y <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y, design)

fit <- glmFit(y, design)
lrt <- glmLRT(fit, coef=2)

top <- topTags(lrt, n=nrow(set))$table
empirical <- rownames(set)[which(!(rownames(set) %in% rownames(top)[1:5000]))]

Here, we consider all but the top $5{,}000$ genes as ranked by
\Biocpkg{edgeR} $p$-values.

<<emp_ruvg, fig.cap="RUVg normalization based on empirical controls.", fig.subcap=c("RLE plot","PCA plot")>>=
set2 <- RUVg(set, empirical, k=1)
plotRLE(set2, outline=FALSE, ylim=c(-4, 4), col=colors[x])
plotPCA(set2, col=colors[x], cex=1.2)

\subsection{Differential expression analysis with \Biocpkg{DESeq2}}

In alternative to \Biocpkg{edgeR}, one can perform differential expression analysis with \Biocpkg{DESeq2}. The approach is very similar, namely, we will use the same design matrix specified in Section \ref{sec:edger}, but we need to specify it within the \Rclass{DESeqDataSet} object.

<<deseq2, eval=FALSE>>=
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts(set1),
                              colData = pData(set1),
                              design = ~ W_1 + x)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res <- results(dds)

Note that this will perform by default a Wald test of significance of the last variable in the design formula, in this case $x$. If one wants to perform a likelihood ratio test, she needs to specify a reduced model that includes $W$ (see the \Biocpkg{DESeq2} vignette for more details on the test statistics).

<<deseq2lrt, eval=FALSE>>=
dds <- DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced=as.formula("~ W_1"))
res <- results(dds)

\section{RUVs: Estimating the factors of unwanted variation using replicate samples}

As an alternative approach, one can use the \Rfunction{RUVs} method to
estimate the factors of unwanted variation using replicate/negative control samples for which the covariates of interest are constant.

First, we need to construct a matrix specifying the replicates. In
the case of the zebrafish dataset, we can consider the three treated
and the three control samples as replicate groups. The function \Rfunction{makeGroups} can be used.

differences <- makeGroups(x)

Although in principle one still needs control genes for the estimation
of the factors of unwanted variation, we found that \Rfunction{RUVs} is robust to that choice and that using all the genes works
well in practice \cite{risso2013ruv}.

<<ruvs, eval=FALSE>>=
set3 <- RUVs(set, genes, k=1, differences)

\section{RUVr: Estimating the factors of unwanted variation using residuals}

Finally, a third approach is to consider the residuals (e.g., deviance residuals) from a first-pass GLM regression of the counts on the covariates of interest. This can be achieved with the \Rfunction{RUVr} method.

First, we need to compute the residuals from the GLM fit, without RUVg normalization, but possibly after normalization using a method such as upper-quartile normalization. 
<<res, eval=FALSE>>=
design <- model.matrix(~x, data=pData(set))
y <- DGEList(counts=counts(set), group=x)
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method="upperquartile")
y <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y, design)
y <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y, design)

fit <- glmFit(y, design)
res <- residuals(fit, type="deviance")

Again, we can use all the genes to estimate the factors of unwanted

<<ruvr, eval=FALSE>>=
set4 <- RUVr(set, genes, k=1, res)

\section{Session info}

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% LocalWords:  DE RUVSeq RNA Seq GLM RUVg RUVs RUVr OLS RUV edgeR DESeq SVD emp
% LocalWords:  workflow zebrafish zebrafishRNASeq gallein Ensembl ERCC rownames
% LocalWords:  ruvg subcap RLE PCA pData plotRLE ylim col plotPCA cex diff nrow
% LocalWords:  byrow ruvs DGEList calcNormFactors upperquartile glmFit ruvr
% LocalWords:  estimateGLMCommonDisp estimateGLMTagwiseDisp sessionInfo asis
% LocalWords:  toLatex biblio