## ----global_options, include=FALSE----------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, echo = FALSE) ## ---- eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------- # if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("PERFect") ## ----required_libraries, echo = TRUE--------------------------------------- rm(list=ls()) library(PERFect) library(ggplot2) library(knitr) library(kableExtra) set.seed(12341) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(mock2) Counts <- mock2$Counts taxa <- c("Bradyrhizobiaceae.cluster49", "Propionibacterium.acnes", "Gemella.OTU86", "Comamonadaceae.cluster57", "Streptococcus.gordonii", "Caulobacter.leidyi", "Finegoldia.magna", "Aerococcus.christensenii", "Agromyces.cluster54", "Mycoplasma.orale_faucium", "Enterobacteriaceae.cluster31", "Lactobacillus.jensenii", "Fusobacterium.cluster48", "Methylophilus.cluster11", "Coriobacteriaceae.OTU27", "Prevotella.cluster2", "Delftia.acidovorans_lacustris_tsuruhatensis", "Hyphomicrobium.methylovorum", "Bifidobacterium.longum_infantis_suis", "Streptococcus.parasanguinis") Ind <- apply(Counts[,taxa], 2, function(x) which(x!=0)) sampleID <- c(31,78, 39, 5, 9, 76, 22, 105, 34, 82) data <- Counts[sampleID,c(taxa, mock2$TrueTaxa)] data <- data[,apply(data, 2, Matrix::nnzero) >0] data<- data[,-3] #sort by abundance data <- data[, NP_Order(data)] #rename columns by noise and signal SignTaxa <- colnames(data) %in% mock2$TrueTaxa colnames(data)[SignTaxa] <-paste0("S~", 1:sum(SignTaxa),"~") colnames(data)[!SignTaxa] <-paste0("N~", 1:(dim(data)[2] -sum(SignTaxa)),"~") rownames(data) <- paste("Sample ", 1:nrow(data)) kable(data[,1:13], format='html', digits=2, row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") kable(data[,14:20], format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- X <- as.matrix(data) Netw <- t(as.matrix(X))%*%as.matrix(X) den <- psych::tr(t(Netw)%*%Netw) #removing 10th noise taxon X_R <- X[,-which(colnames(X) == "N~10~")] #calculate corresponding norm Netw_R <- t(X_R)%*%X_R num <- psych::tr(t(Netw_R)%*%Netw_R) FL <- 1 - (num/den) #df <- data.frame(num = num, den = den, FL = FL, log_FL = round(log(FL), 3)) df <- data.frame(FL = FL, log_FL = round(log(FL), 3)) #removing first least abundant signal taxon X_R <- X[,-which(colnames(X) == "S~1~")] Netw_R <- t(X_R)%*%X_R num <- psych::tr(t(Netw_R)%*%Netw_R) FL <- 1 - (num/den) #df <- rbind(df, c(num, den, FL, round(log(FL), 3))) df <- rbind(df, c(FL, round(log(FL), 3))) #removing all noise taxa X_R <- X[,-which(substr(colnames(X), start = 1, stop = 2) %in% "N~")] Netw_R <- t(X_R)%*%X_R num <- psych::tr(t(Netw_R)%*%Netw_R) FL <- 1 - (num/den) #df <- rbind(df, c(num, den, FL, round(log(FL), 3))) df <- rbind(df, c(FL, round(log(FL), 3))) #removing all noise + first signal taxon X_R <- X[,-c(which(substr(colnames(X), start = 1, stop = 2) %in% "N~"), which(colnames(X) == "S~1~"))] Netw_R <- t(X_R)%*%X_R num <- psych::tr(t(Netw_R)%*%Netw_R) FL <- 1 - (num/den) #df <- rbind(df, c(num, den, FL, round(log(FL), 3))) df <- rbind(df, c(FL, round(log(FL), 3))) rownames(df) <- c("N~10~", "S~1~", "Noise taxa", "Noise taxa and S~1~") colnames(df) <- c("Filtering Loss","Log Filtering Loss") df[,1] <- format(df[,1], width = 1, digits = 5, format = "g") kable(df, format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #function to output results for each simulation run resSummary <-function(X, filtX, time = NA){ rank_pvals = NULL rank_pres = NULL ntotal <- dim(X)[2] npres <- dim(filtX)[2] #number of taxa left pfilt <- (ntotal - npres)/ntotal #percentage of taxa filtered #combine into results vector res <- c(ntotal, npres, pfilt) names(res) <- c("ntotal", "npres", "pfilt") return(list(res = res, time = time)) } ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######################### #quantiles from fit a ########################## start <- Sys.time() res_sim <- PERFect_sim(X=data) end <- Sys.time()-start summary_sim <- resSummary(X = data, filtX = res_sim$filtX, time = end) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #add p-values column to the data pvals <- c(1, round(res_sim$pvals, 2)) pvals.sort <- sort.int(pvals, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE) #sort data by p-values data <- data[, pvals.sort$ix] #save X for illustrating method steps X = as.matrix(data) #add p-values to the data data <- rbind(pvals.sort$x, data) rownames(data)[1] <- "Sim pvalues" data[1,1] <- NA kable(data[1,1:13], format='html', digits=2, row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 11, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") kable(data[1,14:20], format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order.vec <- pvals_Order(data, res_sim) Order_Ind <- rep(1:length(Order.vec))#convert to numeric indicator values DFL <- DiffFiltLoss(X = X, Order_Ind, Plot = TRUE, Taxa_Names = Order.vec) #add log DFL values to the data data <- rbind(c(NA, round(log(DFL$DFL), 2)), data) rownames(data)[1] <- "log(DFL)" #rearrange rows to have DFL below sim-pvalues data <- data[c(2,1, 3:nrow(data)),] #data #display DFL and log(DFL) values df <- rbind(c(NA,DFL$DFL),c(NA, log(DFL$DFL))) df[1,] <- format(df[1,], width = 1, digits = 3, format = "g") df[2,] <- round(as.numeric(df[2,]), 2) rownames(df) <- c("DFL", "log(DFL)") colnames(df)[1]<- "N~1~" kable(df[,1:8], format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") kable(df[,9:13], format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") kable(df[,14:20], format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Some internal functions ######################################## #Function to calculate j^th DFL loss ######################################## DiffFiltLoss_j <- function(Perm_Order,Netw, j){ J_jp1 <- Perm_Order[seq_len(j+1)] #calculate corresponding norm ratios this is the value of the matrix || DFL <- (2*t(Netw[J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))],-J_jp1])%*%Netw[J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))],-J_jp1]+ Netw[J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))], J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))]]^2) return(DFL) } ################################## #Randomly permute labels n times for a fixed j ################################# Perm_j_s <- function(j, Netw, k,p, p2 = NULL){ #Netw = X'X - data matrix with taxa in columns and samples in rows #k - number of permutations used #create a list of k*p arrangements of orders if(is.null(p2)){p2 <- p} labl <- lapply(seq_len(k),function(x) NULL) labl <- lapply(labl,function(x) sample(seq_len(p),p2)) FL_j <- vapply(labl,DiffFiltLoss_j, numeric(1), Netw = Netw, j=j) return(FL_j) } ################################################### #Obtain sampling distribution using permutations of DFL ################################################### sampl_distr <- function(X, k){ p <- dim(X)[2] Netw <- t(X)%*%X #full_norm <- psych::tr(t(Netw)%*%Netw)#this is full norm value full_norm <- sum(Netw*Netw) #For each taxon j, create a distribution of its DFL's by permuting the labels res_all <- lapply(seq_len(p-1),function(x) x) # Calculate the number of cores no_cores <- parallel::detectCores()-1 # Initiate cluster, start parrallel processing cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores) #load variables for each core parallel::clusterExport(cl,c("DiffFiltLoss_j","Perm_j_s","Netw","k","p"),envir=environment()) #parallel apply FL_j <- parallel::parLapply(cl, res_all, function(x) Perm_j_s(j = x, Netw =Netw, k=k, p =p, p2 = x+1)) #FL_j <- lapply(res_all, function(x) Perm_j_s(j = x, Netw =Netw, k=k, p =p, p2 = x+1)) # End the parallel processing parallel::stopCluster(cl) #divide by the full matrix norm values res_pres <- lapply(FL_j, function(x) {x/full_norm}) return(res_pres) } Perm_j_s_il <- function(j, Netw, k,p, p2 = NULL){ #Netw = X'X - data matrix with taxa in columns and samples in rows #k - number of permutations used #create a list of k*p arraments of orders if(is.null(p2)){p2 <- p} labl <- sapply(1:k,function(x) NULL) labl <- lapply(labl,function(x) sample(1:p,p2)) FL_j <- sapply(labl,DiffFiltLoss_j, Netw = Netw, j=j) return(list(labl = labl, FL_j = FL_j)) } ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #we illustrate computation of the first k=6 permutations for each taxon p <- dim(X)[2] Netw <- t(X)%*%X full_norm <- psych::tr(t(Netw)%*%Netw)#this is full norm value #For each taxon j, create a distribution of its DFL's by permuting the labels res_all <- lapply(1:(p-1),function(x) x) FL <- lapply(res_all, function(x) Perm_j_s_il(j = x, Netw =Netw, k=6, p =p, p2 = x+1)) #extract every 2nd subelement for each element of list FL to get FL_j values FL_j <- lapply(FL, "[[", 2) #divide by the full matrix norm values to get DFL*(j+1) values res_pres <- lapply(FL_j, function(x) {x/full_norm}) #extract every 1st subelement for each element of list of selected labels labl <- lapply(FL, "[[", 1) labl<- lapply(labl, function(x) matrix(unlist(x), ncol = 6, byrow = FALSE)) #take sets of 5 taxa T5 <- apply(labl[[4]], 2, function(x) Order.vec[x]) df <- T5 df <- rbind(df,round(log(res_pres[[4]]),2)) rownames(df) <- c(paste0("Taxa ", 1:5),"log(DFL*)") colnames(df) <- paste0("Permutation ",1:6) kable(df, format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 11, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #distribution based on k = 1000 permutations dfl_distr <- sampl_distr(X = X, k=1000) #, sample = FALSE #distribution fit to skew-normal lfl <- lapply(dfl_distr, function(x) log(x[!x==0])) lp <- list(xi = mean(lfl[[1]]), omega = sd(lfl[[1]]), alpha = 1.5) fit <- lapply(lfl, function(x) fitdistrplus::qmedist(x, "sn", probs=c(0.10, 0.25, 0.5), start=lp)) est <- lapply(fit, function(x) x$estimate) #histogram of log(DFL^*) values for the 5th taxon i=4 lfl <- data.frame(log(dfl_distr[[i]][!dfl_distr[[i]]==0])) if(length(dfl_distr[[i]][dfl_distr[[i]]==0])>0){ print(paste("taxon", i, "number of zeroes = ", length(dfl_distr[[i]][dfl_distr[[i]]==0])))} names(lfl) <- c("DFL") #plot histogram x = "DFL" ord_map = aes_string(x = x) #hist <- ggplot(lfl, ord_map) + geom_histogram() hist <- ggplot(lfl, ord_map) + geom_histogram(bins = 30, aes(y=..density..), col = "red", fill = "green", alpha =0.2)+ theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"), axis.text.x = element_text( size=10))+ ggtitle("") + xlab("log differences in filtering loss") + ylab("Density") #add skew-normal fit hist <- hist + stat_function(fun = dsn, args = list(xi = est[[i]][1], omega = est[[i]][2], alpha = est[[i]][3]), colour="blue") hist ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #all p-values for(i in 1:(p-1)){ pvals[i] <- 1 - psn(x=log(DFL$DFL[i]), xi = est[[i]][1], omega = est[[i]][2], alpha = est[[i]][3])} data <- rbind(c(NA, round(pvals,2)), data) rownames(data)[1] <- "Perm pvalues" ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- pvals_avg <- zoo::rollmean(pvals, k=3, align="left", fill=NA ) #replace na's with original values pvals_avg[is.na(pvals_avg)] <- pvals[is.na(pvals_avg)] data <- rbind(c(NA, round(pvals_avg, 2)), data) rownames(data)[1] <- "Avg Perm pvalues" #rearrange rows data <- data[c(3,4,2,1, 5:nrow(data)),] #nice display kable(data[1:4,1:13], format='html', digits=2, row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 10, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") kable(data[1:4,14:20], format='html', row.names=TRUE, escape = FALSE, padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 14, bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = TRUE, position = "left") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #select taxa that are kept in the data set at significance level alpha Ind <- min(which(pvals_avg <=0.1)) #if jth DFL is significant, then throw away all taxa 1:j filtX <- X[,-(1:Ind)] # kable(filtX, # format='html', # row.names=TRUE, # escape = FALSE, # padding=-3L) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 12) # ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- data(mock2) Counts <- mock2$Counts dim(Counts) ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- res_sim <- PERFect_sim(X = Counts) ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # res_sim <- PERFect_sim(X = Counts, infocol = c(1,2,3,4,5)) ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- alphabet.ordering <- colnames(Counts) head(alphabet.ordering) ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # res_sim <- PERFect_sim(X = Counts, Order.user = alphabet.ordering) ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- dim(res_sim$filtX) colnames(res_sim$filtX) # signal taxa ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- head(res_sim$pvals) ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- p <- pvals_Plots(PERFect = res_sim, X = Counts, quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9), alpha=0.05) p$plot + ggtitle("Simultanenous Filtering") ## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- res_perm <- PERFect_perm(X = Counts, Order = "pvals", pvals_sim = res_sim, algorithm = "full") res_perm2 <- PERFect_perm(X = Counts, Order = "pvals", pvals_sim = res_sim, algorithm = "fast") p1 <- pvals_Plots(res_perm, Counts) p1 <- p1$plot + ggtitle("Full Algorithm") p2 <- pvals_Plots(res_perm2, Counts) p2 <- p2$plot + ggtitle("Fast Algorithm") ggpubr::ggarrange(p1,p2,ncol = 2) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()