title: "Creating pangenomes using FindMyFriends"
author: "Thomas Lin Pedersen"
date: "`r doc_date()`"
package: "`r pkg_ver('FindMyFriends')`"
abstract: >
  FindMyFriends is a framework for doing microbial comparative genomics. It 
  defines a class system for working with pangenome data that allows transparent
  access to the underlying sequence data, while being able to handle huge
  collections of genomes. It also defines a set of novel algorithms that makes
  it possible to create high quality pangenomes at high speed, leveraging 
  alignment free sequence comparison techniques.
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Creating pangenomes using FindMyFriends}
    toc: FALSE
    fig_caption: TRUE

*  *  *

# Introduction
FindMyFriends is an R package for creating pangenomes of large sets of microbial
organisms, together with tools to investigate the results. The number of 
tools to create pangenomes is large and some of the more notable ones are Roary,
OrthoMCL, PanOCT, inParanoid and Sybil. Within the R framework micropan 
(available from CRAN) is currently the only other entry, but the scope of 
FindMyFriends is much broader. 

Within comparative microbiol genomics, a pangenome is defined as a collection of
all the genes present in a set of related organisms and grouped together by some
sort of homology. This homology measure has mainly been some sort of blast 
derived similarity, but as you shall see here, this is not the only possibility.

Pangenomes have many uses, both as organisational tools and as a mean to get
insight into the collective genomic information present within a group of
organisms. An example of the former is to ensure an equal functional annotation
of all genes within a set of genomes by annotating pangenome gene groups rather
than single genes. An example of the latter is to use a pangenome together with 
phenotypic information to discover new links between genes and phenotypes.

Usually pangenomes are calculated from the result of blasting all genes in the 
organisms under investigation against each other. This step is very 
time-consuming due to the complexity of the BLAST algorithm and the need to 
compare everything with everything (resulting in a quadratic scaling). 
FindMyFriends generally takes a different approach by ditching BLAST altogether.
In its absence FindMyFriends uses alignment free sequence comparisons, based on
decomposition of the sequences into K-mer feature vectors. K-mers are words of
equal length derived by sliding a window of size K over the sequence and a K-mer
feature vector is simply the count of each unique word, as seen below

                 CGA: 1
                 GAT: 2
                 TAG: 1
                 TCG: 1
                 TTA: 1
                 TTC: 1

With this decomposition the problem of calculating sequence similarity is 
reduced to a vector similarity problem, for which there are many different 
solution. The one employed in FindMyFriends is called cosine similarity, which
is effectively the cosine to the angle between the two vectors. If the vector
space is strictly positive then the value is bound between 0 and 1 with 1 being
100 % similarity.

Apart from the use of K-mers over BLAST, FindMyFriends also advocate a different
approach to how the grouping is performed. Normally the final (or close to 
final) grouping is derived directly from the main similarity comparison step. In
FindMyFriends this is turned around, and the main similarity step is very 
coarse, resulting in very large gene groups, unsuited as a final result. These
groups are then investigated in more detail with regards to the sequence 
similarity, neighborhood similarity and sequence length. This division makes it
possible to employ a very fast, but not very precise algorithm for the first 
step, and only use time to investigate gene pairs with a high likelihood of 
being equal. In the end this approach results in a linear scaling with regards
to the number of genes, as well as a general speedup, and to my knowledge
FindMyFriends is currently by far the fastest algorithm for creating pangenomes.

FindMyFriends is flexible and there are many ways to go about creating 
pangenomes - you can even specify them manually making it possible to import
results from other algorithms into the framework. This vignette will only focus
on the currently recommended approach.

## Data to use in this vignette
This vignette will use a collection of 10 different *Mycoplasma pneumonia* and
*hyopneumonia* strains. These organisms have an appreciable small genome making 
it easier to distribute and analyse.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
# Unpack files
location <- tempdir()
unzip(system.file('extdata', 'Mycoplasma.zip', package='FindMyFriends'),
genomeFiles <- list.files(location, full.names=TRUE, pattern='*.fasta')

# Creating a *Mycoplasma* pangenome

## Creating a Pangenome object from a set of fasta files
The first step in performing a pangenomic analysis with FindMyFriends is to load
gene data into a Pangenome object. This is done with the aptly named `pangenome`
function, which takes a list of fasta files, a boolean indicating whether the
genes are translated and optionally information about the position of each gene
on the chromosome and a boolean indicating whether to read all sequences into 

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}

mycoPan <- pangenome(genomeFiles[1:9], 
                     translated = TRUE, 
                     geneLocation = 'prodigal', 
                     lowMem = FALSE)

The last parameters of the function call warrants some more explanation. Some of 
the algorithms in FindMyFriends uses positional information and this must be
supplied with the geneLocation parameter. This can be done in a number of ways: 
As a data.frame with one row per gene, as a function that takes the header info 
of each gene from the fasta file and returns a data.frame with on row per gene, 
or as a string identifying the annotator used to find the gene (currently only 
Prodigal is supported). The gene info has the following format (all columns 

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}

The contig column holds information on the contig/chromosome on which the gene 
is located, the start and stop columns gives the start and stop position of 
translation and the strand column identifies on which strand the gene is 
located. Additional columns are allowed, but is currently unused.

The last parameter (lowMem) specifies whether all sequences should be read into
memory (the default) or be kept as references to the original fasta files. The 
latter is useful in cases where the size of the sequence data becomes 
prohibitively large but is not needed for our little toy example.

Metadata about the organisms can be added and queried using the `addOrgInfo` 
method. For instance we might add some taxonomy data.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
orgMeta <- lapply(orgNames(mycoPan), function(name) {
    uid <- esearch(name, 'assembly')
    taxuid <- elink(uid, dbTo = 'taxonomy')
    reutils::content(esummary(taxuid), as = 'parsed')
orgMeta <- lapply(lapply(orgMeta, lapply, unlist), as.data.frame)
orgMeta <- do.call(rbind, orgMeta)

mycoPan <- addOrgInfo(mycoPan, orgMeta)

The raw sequences are easily accessible as an XStringSet object, or split by
organism into an XStringSetList object:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
genes(mycoPan, split = 'organism')

Apart from that the object really needs some grouping before there is anything
interesting to do with it.

## Object defaults
A lot of the methods in FindMyFriends contains similar parameters, and a lot of
these. To save typing when doing the analyses, these parameters can be set on a
per-object manner. At creation a set of defaults is already set, which can be 
queried and modified:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
# Query current defaults

# Set a new default
defaults(mycoPan)$lowerLimit <- 0.6

Values supplied as arguments to a method will always override object defaults.

## Calculating pangenomes
Pangenome calculation is generally split into two steps; one focusing on a 
coarse clustering of genes based on sequence similarity and one focusing on 
refining this clustering by comparing sequences and chromosomal neighborhood 
between genes in the clusters. Currently the fastest approach to the first step
is based on the CD-Hit algorithm (`cdhitGrouping`), but other approaches exists 
(`gpcGrouping` and `graphGrouping`). There is no advantages to using the slower 
algorithms, so there use is generally not encouraged. `cdhitGrouping` works by
repeatedly combining gene groups based on lower and lower similarity threshold. 
At each step the longest member of each gene group is chosen as a representative
for the group in the following step. You generally want to set the lowest 
threshold rather low to ensure that genes belonging to the same group are 
definitely clustered together.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results='hide', message=FALSE}
mycoPan <- cdhitGrouping(mycoPan, kmerSize = 5, cdhitIter = TRUE, nrep = 3)

Looking at our mycoPan object now reveals some additional information about the
gene groups:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}

This is not the end of our analysis, as these gene groups needs to be refined.
The refinement step is done with the `neighborhoodSplit` function (or 
`kmerSplit` if chromosomal position is unavailable). This function investigates
each gene group and compares the member genes based on sequence similarity, 
chromosomal neighborhood similarity, sequence length and genome mebership, and
uses this information to build up a weighted graph with the member genes as 
nodes. Edges reflect similarity and are only created if the two genes passes all
thresholds with regards to the different comparisons. From this graph cliques 
(complete subgraphs i.e. subgraphs were all nodes are connected to each other)
are extracted sequentially, starting with the clique containing the highest
weighted edges. This ensures that all members of the resulting gene groups share
a similarity with all other members and avoids the inclusion of genes being very
similar to a few genes but not all. After this main step highly similar gene 
groups lying in parallel (sharing a gene group either up- or downstream) are 
merged together to create the final grouping.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results='hide', message=FALSE}
mycoPan <- neighborhoodSplit(mycoPan, lowerLimit = 0.8)

As can be seen this step results in an increase in the number of gene groups:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}

In general you should expect that the use of FindMyFriends will result in a 
higher number of gene groups than other algorithms. This is due to its strict
approach to defining similarity and in general you can expect the final result
to be of very high quality.

## Pangenome post-processing
Once the pangenome has been calculated it is possible to perform a range of 
different post-processing steps and analyses on results.

### Paralogue linking
FindMyFriend forcefully avoids grouping genes from the same genome together.
While it is generally a boon to split up paralogue gene groups, as the genes 
might have different functionality within the cell (and probably be under 
different regulation), it can be nice to maintain a link between groups with a
certain similarity. Such a link can be obtained by calculating a kmer similarity
between representatives from each gene group. Once paralogue links have been 
created they can be used when extracting raw sequences and the information will 
be taken into account when calculating organism statistics. Furthermore it is 
possible to merge paralogues into true gene groups (effectively undoing the 
neighborhood splitting).

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
mycoPan <- kmerLink(mycoPan, lowerLimit=0.8)

genes(mycoPan, split='paralogue')[[1]]

collapseParalogues(mycoPan, combineInfo='largest')

### Removing genes
Usually genes are detected automatically by programs suchs as Prodigal and 
Glimmer, but while these programs are generally good, they are not perfect. A
pangenome analysis can potentially reveal genes that, while annotated, are no
longer functioning due to frameshifts etc. These will be apparant as members of
gene groups that have vastly different length than the majority of the members.
Removing such genes will in general improve whatever downstream analysis that
the data will be used for. Using the `removeGene()` function it is possible to
remove single or sets of genes from your pangenome object.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
# Remove a gene by raw index
removeGene(mycoPan, ind=60)

# Remove the first organism by index
removeGene(mycoPan, organism=1)
# or by name
name <- orgNames(mycoPan)[1]
removeGene(mycoPan, organism=name)

# Remove the second member of the first gene group
removeGene(mycoPan, group=1, ind=2)

## Investigating the results
Having a nice structure around your pangenome data is just a part of a great
framework - having a set of analyses at hand for investigating the results is
another part. Luckily, by being part of Bioconductor and using the standard data
representations, a lot of the functionality already provided in Bioconductor is 
at your disposal. The two main data types that you might want to extract in 
order to do further analysis is the pangenome matrix and raw sequences:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
# Get the pangenome matrix as an ExpressionSet object
as(mycoPan, 'ExpressionSet')
# or as a regular matrix
as(mycoPan, 'matrix')[1:6, ]

# Get all genes split into gene groups
genes(mycoPan, split='group')

Apart from what is already available within Bioconductor, FindMyFriends also
comes with a set of tools to investigate the results further. Two of these 
calculates different statistics on the two main gene groupings in the dataset,
namely gene groups and organisms. These functions are called `groupStat()`and 
`orgStat()` and are very straightforward to use:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}


To get a very broad overview of your result `plotStat()` can help you:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.height=18, fig.width=9, fig.align='center'}
plotStat(mycoPan, color='Species', type='qual', palette=6)

Three other plot functions exists to let you asses general properties of the 
pangenome. `plotEvolution()` lets you follow the number of singleton, accessory
and core genes as the number of organisms increases. Generally this type of plot
is very biased towards the order of organisms, so while it is possible to supply
a progression of organisms, the default approach is to create bootstraped values
for the plot:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.height=6, fig.width=9, fig.align='center'}

`plotSimilarity()` creates a heatplot of the similarity matrix of the organisms
in the pangenome. The similarity of two organisms is here defined as either the
percent of shared genes or the cosine similarity of their total kmer feature
vector. The ordering can be done manually or automatically according to a 
hierachcal clustering:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.height=9, fig.width=9, fig.align='center'}
# Pangenome matrix similarity
# Kmer similarity
plotSimilarity(mycoPan, type='kmer', kmerSize=5)
# No ordering
plotSimilarity(mycoPan, ordering='none')

`plotTree()` Plots a dendrogram of the organisms in the pangenome based either 
on the pangenome matrix or kmer counts. The tree can be augmented with 
additional information from either orgInfo or supplied manually:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.width=9, fig.height=9, fig.align='center'}
plotTree(mycoPan, clust='ward.D2', dist='minkowski')
plotTree(mycoPan, type='kmer', kmerSize=5, clust='ward.D2', 
         dist='cosine', circular=TRUE, info='Species') + 
    ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(type='qual', palette=6)

Apart from these general statistics it is possible to get the neighborhood of 
any given gene group as a weighted graph to further investigate how the up- and 
downstream genes are organised.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
getNeighborhood(mycoPan, group=15, vicinity=5)

The resulting graph object can be plotted and handled by the functionality of 
the igraph package or plotted directly using FindMyFriends `plotNeighborhood()`
method, which applies appropriate styling to the plot, making it easier to 

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center', fig.height=9, fig.width=9}
plotNeighborhood(mycoPan, group=15, vicinity=5)

### Panchromosomal analysis
While pangenomes are often envisioned as presence/absence matrices, this is not
the only way to organise the information. As chromosomal position is available
in most circumstances, the information can also be converted into a 
panchromosomal graph where each gene group is a vertex and chromosomal adjacency
is weighted edges. The graph will generally be very sparse, consisting of long 
strings of gene groups interspersed with regions of higher variability.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}

This graph structure can be used for a range of things and actually is the basis
for the last part of the neighborhood splitting step (merging parallel gene 
groups). Often local regions of high variability can point to insertion/deletion
events, frameshifts, problems with the gene grouping (god forbid) or general
regions of high chromosomal plasticity. These regions can of course be detected
in FindMyFriends and investigated accordingly.

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
localVar <- variableRegions(mycoPan, flankSize=6)

## Additional tools
What is explained above is just a small part of what is possible with 
FindMyFriends. There are tie-ins with other packages such as 
`r Biocpkg("PanVizGenerator")`, and support for functional annotation of gene 
groups, to name a few. Go explore!

## Session
```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}