Changes in version 1.2.0 + Switching to a faster version of Swish which only computes the ranks of the data once, and then re-uses this for the permutation distribution. This bypasses the addition of uniform noise per permutation and is 10x faster. Two designs which still require re-computation of ranks per permutation are the paired analysis and the general interaction analysis. Two-group, stratified two-group, and the paired interaction analysis now default to the new fast method, but the original, slower method can be used by setting fast=0 in the call to swish(). + Adding Rcpp-based function readEDS() written by Avi Srivastava which imports the sparse counts stored in Alevin's Efficient Data Storage (EDS) format. + Changed the vignette so that it (will) use a linkedTxome, as sometime the build would break if the Bioc build machine couldn't access + Add 'computeInfRV' function. InfRV is not used in the Swish methods, only for visualization purposes in the Swish paper. + removed 'samr' from Imports, as it required source installation, moved to Suggests, for optional qvalue calculation Changes in version 0.99.30 + added two interaction tests, described in ?swish + incorporate qvalue package for pvalue, locfdr and qvalue + added plotMASwish() to facilitate plotting + wilcoxP is removed, and the mean is used instead Changes in version 0.99.0 + fishpond getting ready for submission to Bioc