1.37.2 (2014-10-01) o Removed unused C functions for I/O in 'lib_io'. 1.37.1 (2014-10-01) o Minor changes to C code to avoid WARNINGS upon R CMD check. o Changed 'par' settings in vignette to avoid 'Figure margins too large' errors. 1.33.1 (2013-07-03) o Replaced calls to 'exit', 'fprintf' which now raise a WARNING upon check. o Iteration index not printed anymore in 'nem' (raised an error when compiling the vignette). 1.23.3 (2011-03-18) o Updated calls to 'GLAD:::daglad' in the vignette to fix an error caused by changes in the defaults of 'daglad'. 1.21.1 (2010-10-01) o Cleaned 'data/flags.RData" which contained objects from an old 'globalenv'. o Updated maintainer's email address. 1.19.1 (2010-01-24) o Added (back) 'intensity.flag' to 'data/flags.RData' (had been removed since v 1.12.0 for an unknown reason). 1.15.4 (2009-01-15) o misplaced alignment tab in man/spatial.Rd. 1.15.3 (2009-01-13) o updated references in .Rd files. o fixed warnings due to incorrect use of \item in .Rd files. 1.15.2 (2009-01-06) o 'norm' and 'sort' are now S3 methods as well 1.15.1 (2009-01-04) o (almost) one file per function in R/ o removed empty section \details in man/qscore.Rd o added a NAMESPACE o removed inst/doc/Makefile (not needed anymore because no html output required) 1.15.1 (2009-01-02) o removed another non-standard keyword 1.15.1 (2009-01-01) o only one keyword per \keyword entry... 1.15.0 (2008-12-31) o now use standard "keyword"s o changed \link{\code{stuff}} into \code{\link{stuff}} 1.15.0 (2008-11-26) o filled in "keyword" sections in .Rd files. o removed empty "examples" sections from .Rd files. o initialized a few variables upon declaration in C code to prevent warnings in R CMD CHECK. 1.13.2 (2008-09-23) o modification de la fonction cv pour retourner NA lorsque toutes la valeurs du vecteur sont à NA o modification de la function getChromosomeArm pour que cytoband ne soit pas positionnée à NULL 1.13.1 (2008-09-04) o added a CHANGELOG o updated outdated reference in the .bib file o changed the definition of flag "rep.flag" to avoid the error now caused by sd(NA, na.rm=TRUE)