Unix/Linux/Mac users ==================== To build the ncdfFlow package from source, make sure that HDF5 Library is present on your system: If HDF5 is installed to some non-standard location, you may pass the environment variable --with-hdf5 to point to the correct location of HDF5, for example, R CMD INSTALL ncdfFlow_x.y.z.tar.gz --configure-args="--with-hdf5='/path/to'" under '/path/to', you should find "include" and "lib" sub-folders that contain HDF5 headers and shared libraries. Windows users ============= You need have the netcdf4 library (>=4.0.1) installed. Easiest way is to install a pre-built binary of netcdf4 from http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.1-rc2-NC4-32.exe. In order to load the package successfully you need to tell R where to find netcdf.dll. you must ensure that the .dll files(along with any dependencies from deps/shared/bin) are on the system path To add this you may right click on "My Computer", choose "Properties", select the "Advanced" tab, and click the button "Environment Variables". In the dialog box that opens, click "Path" in the variable list, and then click "Edit". Add "c:/netcdf4/bin/" and "c:/netcdf4/deps/shared/bin" (given that netcdf is installed in "c:/netcdf4") to the "Variable value" field. It is important that the file path does not contain any space characters; to avoid this you may simply use the short forms (8.3 DOS file names) found by typing "dir /x" at the Windows command line. For example, the following may be added to the "Path" environment variable: C:/PROGRA~1/netcdf4/bin , and the symbol ";" is used to separate it from existing paths. Also in order to build ncdfFlow from source using Rtools, you need to tell ncdfFlow where your netcdf library and header files are. You can do that by setting up the environment variable LIB_NETCDF with the correct path to the library files and header files. You can do this by going to the "Environment Variables" dialog box as instructed above and then clicking the "New" button. Enter "LIB_NETCDF" in the "Variable name" field, and lib directory (e.g. "c:/netcdf4") in the "Variable value" field. Remember to use "/" instead of "\" as the directory delimiter. You can download Rtools at http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/ which provides the resources for building R and R packages. You should add to the Path variable the paths to the various components of Rtools. Please read the "Windows Toolset" appendix at http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-admin.html#The-Windows-toolset for more details.