hiAnnotator News CHANGES IN 1.1.1: * added allSubjectCols & overlapType params to getSitesInFeature CHANGES IN 0.99.9: * metadatacol bug fix CHANGES IN 0.99.8: * plotdisFeature() obtains a geom parameter. CHANGES IN 0.99.7: * Documentation fixes CHANGES IN 0.99.6: * Using GRanges::sort in makeGRanges(). CHANGES IN 0.99.5: * Documentation changes. CHANGES IN 0.99.4: NEW FEATURES: * plotdisFeature(), function to plot distance distribution to feature boundary. * Includes sites.ctrl dataset to compliment sites dataset. CHANGES IN 0.99.3: NEW FEATURES: * makeGRanges() inherits total functionality of makeRangedData() and an option to turn off factor to character conversion. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: * Functions resizeRangedData() & makeRangedData() has been removed in favor of using only GenomicRanges-derived objects. BUG FIXES: * Improved seqinfo slot population method in makeGRanges()