% -*- mode: noweb; noweb-default-code-mode: R-mode; -*- %\VignetteIndexEntry{lpNet, network inference with a linear optimization program.} %\VignettePackage{lpNet} \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{Sweave} \title{lpNet} \author{Bettina Knapp, Johanna Mazur and Lars Kaderali} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \maketitle \tableofcontents %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Introduction% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Introduction} This package infers networks using perturbation data with a linear optimization program as published in \cite{knapp12}. In section \ref{data}, the idea of the network inference method and the type of data which can be used is explained. Section \ref{start} shows how to use the package on a quick example. In section \ref{loocv} and \ref{kfoldcv}, Leave-One-Out cross-validation (LOOCV) and k-fold cross-validation is used to find the best parameter $\lambda$ which minimizes the mean squared error (MSE) of the used objective function as described in \cite{knapp12}. Section \ref{prior} exemplifies how prior knowledge can be included in the network inference process. Finally, in section \ref{sahin} we applied the network inference method on a real data set studying ERBB signaling in trastuzumab resistant breast cancer cells \cite{froehlich}. \section{Data}\label{data} The method proposed in this package aims at reconstructing intracellular signal transduction networks from perturbation data. We consider signal transduction as an information flow through a network where nodes represent genes (or proteins) and edges represent the continuous strengths of interactions between the nodes (genes/proteins). By using experimental interventions the flow in the network can be perturbed and this leads to a problem which is an inverse to the well-known maximum-flow / minimum cut problem in graph theory. The flow through the network is perturbed by different cuts and the measured effect can be used to reconstruct the underlying graph. We formulate this problem as a linear program which can be solved efficiently using the simplex algorithm.\\ The perturbation experiments can be performed for example using RNA interference (RNAi) which allows to specifically silence one or several genes at the same time. To quantify the effect of a perturbation on the remaining genes, for instance, flow cytometry or gene expression measurements \cite{sachs, froehlich} can be used. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Getting Started% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Starting}\label{start} This section shows a first small example to infer signaling networks from perturbation data using the linear programming (LP) approach. First load the lpNet package. <>= library("lpNet") @ Then, define details about the perturbation data which is used for the network inference. For this purpose, define the number of genes and the number of perturbation experiments which are given. Thereafter, we define a random observation matrix and define threshold $\delta_i$ as the mean of the observations of each gene $i\in \{1,\dots,n\}$. <>= n <- 5 # number of genes K <- 7 # number of perturbation experiments obs <- matrix(rnorm(n*K),nrow=n,ncol=K) delta <- apply(obs,1,mean) # perturbation vector (0 if gene inactivated and 1 otherwise) b <- c(0,1,1,1,1, # perturbation exp1 1,0,1,1,1, # perturbation exp2 1,1,0,1,1, # perturbation exp3... 1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,1,0, 1,0,0,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1) @ Using this, the network can be inferred with the LP method for a specific penalty parameter $\lambda$ with the function ``doILP". To convert the result of the ``doILP" function into an adjacency matrix use ``getAdja". <>= res1 <- doILP(obs,delta,lambda=1,b,n,K,annot=getEdgeAnnot(n)) adja1 <- getAdja(res1,n) @ If the inferred network is assumed to have activating edges only, this can be used during the network reconstruction. <>= res2 <- doILP(obs,delta,lambda=1,b,n,K, annot=getEdgeAnnot(n,allpos=TRUE),all.pos=TRUE) adja2 <- getAdja(res2,n) @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %cross-validation% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Leave-One-Out cross-validation}\label{loocv} If the penalty parameter $\lambda$ is not given, it can be determined using a stratified LOOCV of the data. First, the parameters (mean and standard deviation) for the two Gaussian distributions representing activation and deactivation have to be defined. <>= active_mu <- 1.1 inactive_mu <- 0.9 active_sd <- inactive_sd <- 0.01 @ These parameters are used in each step of the LOOCV to compute the MSE. For this, the learned network (of the respective step) is used to predict if the removed observation is supposed to be in active or inactive state and thus, is sampled from the normal distribution of activated or inactivated genes, respectively. <>= times <- 5 # number of times the removed observation is sampled annot_node <- c(LETTERS[1:n]) # annotation of the nodes loocv_res <- loocv(times,obs,n,b,K,delta,lambda=1, annot=getEdgeAnnot(n),annot_node, active_mu,active_sd,inactive_mu,inactive_sd) loocv_res$MSE @ The ``loocv" function results in a list giving the MSE and the edge weights learned in each LOOCV step. The weights are finally summarized to compute an adjacency matrix. <>= adja_loocv <- getSampleAdjaMAD(loocv_res$edges_all,n,annot_node) @ If the MSE is computed for several values of $\lambda$, the minimal MSE determines the best $\lambda$. To restrict the range of possible lambda the function ``calcRangeLambda" can be used. <>= lambda <- calcRangeLambda(delta,obs,stepsize=2) MSE <- Inf for(lamd in lambda){ loocv_res <- loocv(times,obs,n,b,K,delta,lambda=lamd, annot=getEdgeAnnot(n),annot_node, active_mu,active_sd,inactive_mu,inactive_sd) if(loocv_res$MSE>= kfold <- 5 MSE <- Inf for(lamd in lambda){ kcv_res <- kfoldCV(times,obs,n,b,K,delta, lambda=lamd,getEdgeAnnot(n),annot_node,kfold, active_mu,active_sd,inactive_mu,inactive_sd) if(kcv_res$MSE>= res3 <- doILP(obs,delta,lambda=1,b,n,K, annot=getEdgeAnnot(n),sourceNode=1,sinkNode=5) adja3 <- getAdja(res3,n) @ Similary, additional constraints defining prior knowledge of individual edges can be formulated and added as a list to the ``doILP" function. The prior of each individual edge consists of a vector of four elements with the first element being the annotation of the edge (see function ``getEdgeAnnot") and the second being the coefficient of the objective function. The third, respectively the fourth elements correspond to the direction, respectively the right-hand side of the constraint. For example, assume that we know that the edge weight between node 1 and node 2 ($w_{12}^+$) is greater than 1, it is defined as follows: <>= prior <- list(c("w+_1_2",1,">",1)) res4 <- doILP(obs,delta,lambda=1,b,n,K, annot=getEdgeAnnot(n),prior=prior) adja4 <- getAdja(res4,n) @ The prior knowledge can be extracted from databases such as KEGG or Reactome. Using, for example, the ``KEGGgraph'' package \cite{kegggraph} in combination with lpNet allows to import already known activations or deactivations between two genes. Thus, this information can be used to define the positive ($w^+$), respectively, the negative weight ($w^-$) of the corresponding edges to be bigger than 1 in the prior constraints of the LP method. \\ If there is additionally a confidence score given for the edge, this can be taken into account by defining the second element in the prior knowledge list accordingly. Assuming that the edge between node 1 and node 2 has a confidence score of 0.9, this translates into: <>= prior <- list(c("w+_1_2",1/0.9,">",1)) res5 <- doILP(obs,delta,lambda=1,b,n,K, annot=getEdgeAnnot(n),prior=prior) adja5 <- getAdja(res5,n) @ % \section{Example on Real Data}\label{sachs} \section{Example on Real Data}\label{sahin} In the following we use data from the ``nem'' package which consists of combinatorial knockdowns in the ERBB signaling pathway \cite{froehlich,nem}. Given are 17 experiments of 16 proteins in the ERBB signaling pathway of trastuzumab resistant breast cancer cells. The experiments include 13 single knockdowns, 3 double knockdowns and one experiment without any perturbation. After the knockdowns, Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) measurments were performed for ten signaling intermediates before and after EGF stimulation. For each experiment, four technical and three biological replicates are given. First, we load the data and preprocess it. For this, we separate it into unstimulated (time=0) and stimulated (time=1) experiments and summarize the different replicate measurements of each experiment by taking the mean. <>= data("SahinRNAi2008") dataStim <- dat.normalized[dat.normalized[,17]==1,-17] dataUnstim <- dat.normalized[dat.normalized[,17]==0,-17] # summarize replicates; transpose: rows=genes, cols=experiments dataSt <- t(summarizeRepl(dataStim,type=mean)) dataUnst <- t(summarizeRepl(dataUnstim,type=mean)) @ Next, the parameters which are needed for the network inference need to be defined. The perturbation vector describes the given knockdown experiments. <>= n <- 16 # number of genes K <- 16 # number of experiments annot <- getEdgeAnnot(n) # perturbation vector; kd of: b <- c(0,rep(1,15), # erbb1 0,0,rep(1,14), # erbb1 & 2 0,rep(1,14),0, # erbb1 & 3 1,0,rep(1,13),0, # erbb2 & 3 rep(1,10),0,1,1,1,1,1, # IGFR rep(1,11),0,1,1,1,1, # ERalpha rep(1,12),0,1,1,1, # MYC rep(1,7),0,rep(1,8), # AKT1 rep(1,8),0,rep(1,7), # MEK1 rep(1,5),0,rep(1,10), # CDK2 rep(1,6),0,rep(1,9), # CDK4 rep(1,13),0,1,1, # CDK6 1,1,0,rep(1,13), # p21 1,1,1,0,rep(1,12), # p27 rep(1,4),0,rep(1,11), # Cyclin D1 rep(1,14),0,1) # Cyclin E1 @ For the computation of the parameters $\delta_i$, we use the unstimulated data of the MOCK control (experiment without any perturbation). For four proteins no measurements are given, and no $\delta$ can be computed from the MOCK control. Here, we use the average of all measurements of MOCK in the unstimulated setting. <>= delta <- as.double(dataUnst[,1]) delta[11:16] <- mean(dataUnst[,1],na.rm=T) @ We infer the network using the LP method with source nodes ERBB1, ERBB2 and ERBB3, and sink node pRB1. The parameter $\lambda=1.83$ has been identified using LOOCV (not shown due to run time reasons) to be the one with minimum MSE. <>= resERBB <- doILP(dataSt[,-1],delta,lambda=1.83,b,n,K,annot, all.pos=FALSE,sourceNode=c(1,2,16),sinkNode=10) adjaERBB <- getAdja(resERBB,n) @ \bibliographystyle{amsalpha} % Style BST file \bibliography{references} % Bibliography file (usually '*.bib' ) \end{document}