## ----sim-init------------------------------------------------------------ library(COMPASS) set.seed(123) n <- 100 ## number of samples k <- 6 ## number of markers sid_vec <- paste0("sid_", 1:n) ## sample ids; unique names used to denote samples iid_vec <- rep_len( paste0("iid_", 1:(n/10) ), n ) ## individual ids ## ----sim-data------------------------------------------------------------ data <- replicate(n, { nrow <- round(runif(1) * 1E4 + 1000) ncol <- k vals <- rexp( nrow * ncol, runif(1, 1E-5, 1E-3) ) vals[ vals < 2000 ] <- 0 output <- matrix(vals, nrow, ncol) output <- output[ apply(output, 1, sum) > 0, ] colnames(output) <- paste0("M", 1:k) return(output) }) names(data) <- sid_vec head( data[[1]] ) ## ----sim-counts---------------------------------------------------------- counts <- sapply(data, nrow) + round( rnorm(n, 1E4, 1E3) ) counts <- setNames( as.integer(counts), names(counts) ) head(counts) ## ----sim-meta------------------------------------------------------------ meta <- data.frame( sid=sid_vec, iid=iid_vec, trt=sample( c("Control", "Treatment"), n, TRUE ) ) head(meta) ## ----sim-CC-------------------------------------------------------------- CC <- COMPASSContainer( data=data, counts=counts, meta=meta, individual_id="iid", sample_id="sid" ) ## ----CC-basics----------------------------------------------------------- CC summary(CC) ## ----COMPASS-fit--------------------------------------------------------- fit <- COMPASS( CC, treatment=trt == "Treatment", control=trt == "Control", iterations=100 ) ## ----COMPASS-examine----------------------------------------------------- ## Extract the functionality, polyfunctionality scores as described ## within the COMPASS paper -- these are measures of the overall level ## of 'functionality' of a cell, which has shown to be correlated with ## a cell's affinity in immune response FS <- FunctionalityScore(fit) PFS <- PolyfunctionalityScore(fit) ## Obtain the posterior difference, posterior log ratio from a COMPASSResult post <- Posterior(fit) ## Plot a heatmap of the mean probability of response, to visualize differences ## in expression for each category plot(fit) ## Visualize the posterior difference, log difference with a heatmap plot(fit, measure=PosteriorDiff(fit), threshold=0) plot(fit, measure=PosteriorLogDiff(fit), threshold=0) ## ----citation, echo=FALSE, results='asis'-------------------------------- cite_package <- function(...) { tryCatch({ args <- unlist( list(...) ) cites <- lapply(args, citation) txt <- sapply(cites, function(x) { attr( unclass(x)[[1]], "textVersion" ) }) return(txt[order(txt)]) }, error=function(e) NULL ) } citations <- cite_package("COMPASS", "flowWorkspace", "openCyto", "base") citations <- c(citations[1:2],"Greg Finak, Andrew McDavid, Pratip Chattopadhyay, Maria Dominguez, Steve De Rosa, Mario Roederer, Raphael Gottardo. Mixture models for single-cell assays with applications to vaccine studies. Biostatistics 2014 Jan;15(1):87-101",citations[3:4]) invisible(lapply(citations, function(x) cat(x, "\n\n")))