CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.3 ------------------------ o when peak is exactly located at gene end, NA will be generated and throw error when assigning downstream of gene end. This bug has been fixed <2015-02-03, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.2 ------------------------ o bug fixed in getNearestFeatureIndicesAndDistances when peak in the very begining or end of the chromosome <2015-01-30, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.21 ------------------------ o use data.table instead of data.frame to optimize covplot <2014-10-06, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.20 ------------------------ o seqlengths in GRanges object is deprecated, now use Seqinfo defined by GenomeInfoDb. update annotatePeak to store this information <2014-09-30, Tue> o runValue (in S4Vector) for RleList is deprecated, modified runValue(x) to sapply(x, runValue) <2014-09-30, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.19 ------------------------ o implement csAnno S4 object <2014-09-28, Sun> o modify plot function for csAnno instance <2014-09-28, Sun> o implement vennpie function <2014-09-28, Sun> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.17 ------------------------ o deprecate plotChrCov to new function covplot <2014-08-18, Mon> o add new paramter chrs and xlim to covplot <2014-08-18, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.16 ------------------------ o optimize plotChrCov, running time reduce drastically <2014-08-15, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.15 ------------------------ o remove un-mappable peak to prevent fail in peak annotation <2014-08-14, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.14 ------------------------ o bug fixed in plotDistToTSS <2014-08-14, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.13 ------------------------ o change TranscriptDb to TxDb according to GenomicFeatures <2014-07-29, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.12 ------------------------ o bug fixed in plotChrCov <2014-07-21, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.10 ------------------------ o bug fixed in calculating distances from peak end <2014-06-18, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.9 ------------------------ o add level parameter to annotatePeak, and set it to "transcript" by default. Now annotatePeak will annotate peaks in transcript level except user specify level = "gene" <2014-06-16, Mon> o add addFlankGeneInfo parameter to annotatePeak. If it set to true, all features within the flankDistance will be annotated. <2014-06-16, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.8 ------------------------ o bug fixed when peak overlap with feature <2014-06-11, Wed> o optimize for getting overlap features of peaks <2014-06-11, Wed> o update plotAnnoPie, separate the pie and legend to prevent label overlap <2014-06-12, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.7 ------------------------ o bug fixed in calculating distanceToTSS <2014-06-03, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.6 ------------------------ o add chainFile parameter in enrichAnnoOverlap and enrichPeakOverlap to support different genome version comparision <2014-06-01, Sun> o fixed color bug in peakHeatmap.internal2 and plotAnnoBar <2014-06-02, Mon> o update vignettes <2014-06-02, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.5 ------------------------ o export getPromoters and getTagMatrix <2014-05-31, Sat> o rename plotAvgProf to plotAvgProf2 and implement plotAvgProf based on tagMatrix <2014-05-31, Sat> o implement tagHeatmap for visualize heatmap of the tagMatrix or a list of tagMatrix <2014-05-31, Sat> o implement shuffle function to generate a random ChIP data based on a real one <2014-05-31, Sat> o implement enrichPeakOverlap to calcuate significant of ChIP experiments based on the genome coordinations <2014-05-31, Sat> o implement enrichAnnoOverlap to calculate significant of ChIP experiments based on their nearest gene annotation <2014-05-31, Sat> o incorporate GEO database for mining significant overlap of ChIP data <2014-05-31, Sat> + getGEOspecies summarize the collected data by species + getGEOgenomeVersion summarize the colleted data by genome version + getGEOInfo extract the information by genome version query + downloadGEObedFiles download all bed files of a particular genome version + downloadGSMbedFiles download the bed files of the input GSM list. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.4 ------------------------ o in the annotation column of output of annotatePeak function, if Exon/Intron, the output change to 'Transcript_Name/GeneID, Exon no. of total_no.' <2014-05-14, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.3 ------------------------ o bug fixed when metadata(TranscriptDb) contained NA <2014-04-30, Wed> o support ID type of Ensembl in annotatePeak (Entrez was supported) <2014-04-30, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.2 ------------------------ o implemented plotChrCov <2014-04-25, Fri> o implemented plotAvgProf and peakHeatmap <2014-04-24, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1 ------------------------ o output of annotatePeak now contain chromosome length information <2014-04-22, Tue> o re-implement plotAnnoPie to use ordinary pie plot instead of pie3D <2014-04-21, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ o initial version with the following functions implemented: + annotatePeak + overlap + plotAnnoBar + plotAnnoPie + plotDistToTSS + readPeakFile + vennplot + vennplot.peakfile