CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.3 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o Search for off-targets is much faster when more than 10 gRNAs are searched o Added new optional parameter orgAnn in offTargetAnalysis o Added gene ID and optional gene symbol in off-target output file o Added gRNA target region, GC content of gRNA and number of Ts in the last 4 postion of gRNA (not including PAM sequence) in the summary output file CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.5 ------------------------ BUG FIX o TopN offtarget total score was sometimes missing for sequences containing gRNAs with less than 6 offtargets in version 1.3.3 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.7 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o Added searchDirection to compare2Sequences to allow search one against the other and many to many sequence search o Added exception handling to catch no gRNA found error in compare2Sequences CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.8 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o Added calculategRNAefficiency to calculate gRNA cleavage efficiency using DoenchNBT2014 predictive logistic model CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.10 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o gRNAs are automatically output to a bed file for view in the UCSC genome browser